NI DIAdem Dialog Editor

The Dialog Editor is used to create modal and non-modal dialogs with powerful GUI controls that include some specifically for working with channels. &nbps;


Dialog Basics

The sample code and dialog file provides a good example of how to create a dialog using the NI DIAdem Dialog Editor.

Download the dialog file:   training_script_Dialog.SUD

'-- SUD script file
'-- Author:   Mechatronic Solutions LLC
'-- Comment:  Dialog Editor
Option Explicit
Call LogFileWrite("Start of dialog 'training_script_Dialog.SUD'" & vbTab & Str(Now(),"#dd ttt yyyy  hh:nn:ss"))
Dim sLastFolder

'Dialog events and OK Cancel buttons

Sub Dialog_EventInitialize(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  Dialog.Title = "Dialog Editor example"
  Dim i
  For i = 2 to TabPageCtrl1.Pages.Count
    TabPageCtrl1.Pages(i).Enable = False
  btn_PrevPage.Enable = False
  btn_NextPage.Enable = False
  folderContents_Lbl.Enable = False
  ListBoxFolderContents.Enable = False
  Call ListBoxFolderContents.Items.RemoveAll()
  btn_Done.Enable = False
  test_year_Box.Enable = False
  test_year_Box.Value = -1
  test_loc_country_Box.Enable = False
  test_loc_country_Box.Value = -1
  notes_Box.Enable = False
  notes_Box.Text = ""
  Call btn_SelectSrcFolder.SetFocus
  TextSourceFolder.Text = ""
  TabPageCtrl1.Pages(1).Enable = True
  TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex = 1
End Sub 'Dialog_EventInitialize()

Sub Dialog_EventTerminate(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  'Pass the source folder back to the script..
  'The last sub called before the dialog is closed.  
  Call LogFileWrite("End of dialog '" & This.FileName & "'" & vbTab & Str(Now(),"#dd ttt yyyy  hh:nn:ss"))
End Sub

Sub btn_cancel_EventClick(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  'Use Dialog.Cancel to abort the dialog outside of this event.
End Sub

Sub btn_Done_EventClick(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
End Sub

Sub btn_ResetAllForms_EventClick(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  folderContents_Lbl.Enable = False
  ListBoxFolderContents.Enable = False
  Call ListBoxFolderContents.Items.RemoveAll()
  btn_Done.Enable = False
  test_year_Box.Enable = False
  test_year_Box.Value = -1
  test_loc_country_Box.Enable = False
  test_loc_country_Box.Value = -1
  notes_Box.Enable = False
  notes_Box.Text = ""
  TextSourceFolder.Text = ""
  Call btn_SelectSrcFolder.SetFocus
End Sub

'Tab page control / navigation
'TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex are numbered from 1 to TabPageCtrl1.Pages.Count
Sub btn_NextPage_EventClick(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  'Display the next TabPage
  'This button is only enabled if it has passed ChkStep1, .. ChkStep2
  If TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex < TabPageCtrl1.Pages.Count Then 
    'Enable the next tab, display the next tab, hide the previous tab, disable the next button
    TabPageCtrl1.Pages(TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex + 1).Enable = True
    TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex = TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex + 1
    TabPageCtrl1.Pages(TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex - 1).Enable = False
    btn_NextPage.Enable = False
    If TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex < TabPageCtrl1.Pages.Count Then btn_PrevPage.Enable = True
  End If
  Select Case TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex
    Case 1
      Call ChkStep1()
    Case 2
      Call ChkStep2()
    Case 3
      Call ChkStep3()
  End Select
End Sub

Sub btn_PrevPage_EventClick(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  If TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex > 1 Then 
    'enable the previous tab, display the previous tab, disable the next tab
    TabPageCtrl1.Pages(TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex - 1).Enable = True
    TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex = TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex - 1
    TabPageCtrl1.Pages(TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex + 1).Enable = False
    btn_NextPage.Enable = False
  End If
  If TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex = 1 Then btn_PrevPage.Enable = False
  Select Case TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex
    Case 1
      Call ChkStep1()
    Case 2
      Call ChkStep2()
    Case 3
      Call ChkStep3()
  End Select
End Sub 'btn_PrevPage_EventClick()

Function ChkStep1()
  'Use this function to check the values of the controls on Tab1
  'and decide if the user should be allowed to continue to Tab2
  ChkStep1 = False
  btn_NextPage.Enable = False
  'Enable btn_NextPage if the user has selected a test_year and test_loc_country option in the combo box.
  If (Not test_year_Box.Value < 0) AND (Not test_loc_country_Box.Value < 0) Then
    ChkStep1 = True
    If TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex < TabPageCtrl1.Pages.Count Then 
      btn_NextPage.Enable = True
      Call btn_NextPage.SetFocus()
    End If
  End If
End Function

Function ChkStep2()
  'Use this function to check the values of the controls on Tab2
  'and decide if the user should be allowed to continue to Tab3
  ChkStep2 = False
  btn_NextPage.Enable = False
  Const myTab2Conditions = True
  If myTab2Conditions Then
    ChkStep2 = True
    If TabPageCtrl1.ActivePageIndex < TabPageCtrl1.Pages.Count Then 
      btn_NextPage.Enable = True
    End If
  End If
End Function

Function ChkStep3()
  'Use this function to check the values of the controls on Tab3
  'and decide if the user should be allowed to continue (Done button enabled).  
  ChkStep3 = False
  Const myTab3Conditions = True
  If myTab3Conditions Then
    ChkStep3 = True
    btn_Done.Enable = True
  End If
End Function

'Page 1 - Data Set

Sub btn_SelectSrcFolder_EventClick(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  'Get a folder from the user and then populate ListBoxFolderContents with
  'the filenames of the files within that folder. 
  Dim sFolder
  sFolder = DataReadPath
  If Not IsEmpty(sLastFolder) Then
    If FolderExist(sLastFolder) Then
      sFolder = sLastFolder
    End If
  End If
  Select Case PathDlgShow("Select a folder",sFolder)
    Case "IDCancel", "IDNo", "IDNoExecute"
      Exit Sub
    Case "IDOk"
      Call MsgLineDisp("Scanning the contents of folder '" & OutputPath & "'..")
      sLastFolder = OutputPath
      Call LogFileWrite("The user selected path was '" & OutputPath & "'")
      btn_SelectSrcFolder.Enable = False
      test_year_box.Enable = True
      notes_Box.Enable = True
      TextSourceFolder.Text = OutputPath: Call TextSourceFolder.RefreshText
      If Not Right(TextSourceFolder.Text,1) = "\" Then TextSourceFolder.Text = TextSourceFolder.Text & "\"
      If Not bPopulateListBoxFolderContents(OutputPath) Then 
        Call Dialog.RunInitialize()
        btn_SelectSrcFolder.Enable = True
        Exit Sub
      End If
      If Not FolderExist(TextSourceFolder.Text) Then
        Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "Error - the passed folder '" & TextSourceFolder.Text & "' does not exist")
        btn_SelectSrcFolder.Enable = True
        Exit Sub
      End If
      folderContents_Lbl.Visible = True
      ListBoxFolderContents.Visible = True
      Call test_year_Box.SetFocus
      btn_SelectSrcFolder.Enable = True
      'Enable the test_year, daq_device, and notes controls..
      test_year_Box.Enable = True
      test_loc_country_Box.Enable = True
      notes_Box.Enable = True
      notes_Box.Text = ""
      'Randomly assign a value..
      'test_year_Box.Value = Random(test_year_box.Items.Count)
      'test_loc_country_Box.Value = Random(test_loc_country_Box.Items.Count)
      Call MsgLineDisp("Ready")
      Call ChkStep1()
  End Select
End Sub 'btn_SelectSrcFolder_EventClick()

Function bPopulateListBoxFolderContents(ByVal sFolder)
  'Populate control ListBoxFolderContents with the
  'contents from sFolder.
  bPopulateListBoxFolderContents = False
  ListBoxFolderContents.Enable = False
  folderContents_Lbl.Enable = False
  Dim arrFiles, sFile
  arrFiles = DirListGet(sFolder,"*.*", "Date/Time", "Filenames")
  If IsArray(arrFiles) Then 
    For Each sFile In arrFiles
      Call ListBoxFolderContents.Items.Add(sFile,ListBoxFolderContents.Items.Count+1)
  End If
  Call ListBoxFolderContents.Refresh()
  folderContents_Lbl.Enable = True
  ListBoxFolderContents.Enable = True
  bPopulateListBoxFolderContents = True
  If IsArray(arrFiles) Then Call Erase(arrFiles)
End Function  'bPopulateListBoxFolderContents()

Sub test_year_Box_EventInitialize(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  Dim sYear
  For sYear = DatePart("yyyy", Now()) to 2000 Step -1
    Call test_year_box.Items.Add(sYear, test_year_box.Items.Count)
End Sub

Sub test_year_Box_EventChange(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  Call ChkStep1()
End Sub

Sub test_loc_country_Box_EventInitialize(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  'Populate test_loc_country combo box with the values returned 
  'from function oGetCountriesByNameAsDic()
  Dim oCountriesDic, sKey
  Set oCountriesDic = oGetCountriesByNameAsDic()
  For Each sKey In oCountriesDic
    Call test_loc_country_Box.Items.Add(sKey,oCountriesDic(sKey))
  Next  'sKey
  Call oCountriesDic.RemoveAll():  Set oCountriesDic = Nothing
End Sub 'test_loc_country_Box_EventInitialize()

Sub test_loc_country_Box_EventChange(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  If test_loc_country_Box.Value < 0 Then Exit Sub
  'Do something with the user selected country..
  'The country name selected may be accessed from:  test_loc_country_Box.Text
  notes_Box.Text = test_loc_country_Box.Text
End Sub 'test_loc_country_Box_EventChange()

'Call LogFileDel()
'Dim oCountriesDic, sKey
'Set oCountriesDic = oGetCountriesByNameAsDic()
'Call LogFileWrite(oCountriesDic.Count & " country names in 'oCountriesDic'")
'For Each sKey In oCountriesDic
'  Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "'" & sKey & "'" & vbTab & oCountriesDic(sKey))
'Next  'sKey

Function oGetCountriesByNameAsDic()
  'Returns a dictionary object with a list of countries by name worldwide.
  '(done this way in order to insure portability of this example and avoid dependency on external files).
  Set oGetCountriesByNameAsDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Afghanistan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Afghanistan",1)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Aland Islands land Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Aland Islands land Islands",2)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Albania") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Albania",3)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Algeria") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Algeria",4)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("American Samoa") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("American Samoa",5)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Andorra") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Andorra",6)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Angola") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Angola",7)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Anguilla") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Anguilla",8)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Antarctica") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Antarctica",9)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Antigua and Barbuda") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Antigua and Barbuda",10)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Argentina") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Argentina",11)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Armenia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Armenia",12)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Aruba") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Aruba",13)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Australia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Australia",14)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Austria") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Austria",15)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Azerbaijan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Azerbaijan",16)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Bahamas") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Bahamas",17)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Bahrain") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Bahrain",18)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Bangladesh") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Bangladesh",19)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Barbados") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Barbados",20)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Belarus") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Belarus",21)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Belgium") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Belgium",22)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Belize") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Belize",23)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Benin") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Benin",24)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Bermuda") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Bermuda",25)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Bhutan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Bhutan",26)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Bolivia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Bolivia",27)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Bosnia and Herzegovina") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Bosnia and Herzegovina",28)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Botswana") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Botswana",29)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Bouvet Island") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Bouvet Island",30)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Brazil") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Brazil",31)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("British Indian Ocean Territory") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("British Indian Ocean Territory",32)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Brunei Darussalam") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Brunei Darussalam",33)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Bulgaria") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Bulgaria",34)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Burkina Faso") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Burkina Faso",35)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Burundi") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Burundi",36)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Cambodia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Cambodia",37)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Cameroon") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Cameroon",38)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Canada") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Canada",39)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Cape Verde") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Cape Verde",40)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Cayman Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Cayman Islands",41)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Central African Republic") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Central African Republic",42)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Chad") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Chad",43)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Chile") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Chile",44)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("China") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("China",45)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Christmas Island") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Christmas Island",46)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Cocos (Keeling) Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Cocos (Keeling) Islands",47)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Colombia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Colombia",48)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Comoros") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Comoros",49)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Congo") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Congo",50)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Congo, Democratic Republic of the") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Congo, Democratic Republic of the",51)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Cook Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Cook Islands",52)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Costa Rica") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Costa Rica",53)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Cote d\'Ivoire Cte d\'Ivoire") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Cote d\'Ivoire Cte d\'Ivoire",54)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Croatia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Croatia",55)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Cuba") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Cuba",56)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Cyprus") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Cyprus",57)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Czech Republic") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Czech Republic",58)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Denmark") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Denmark",59)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Djibouti") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Djibouti",60)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Dominica") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Dominica",61)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Dominican Republic") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Dominican Republic",62)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Ecuador") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Ecuador",63)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Egypt") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Egypt",64)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("El Salvador") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("El Salvador",65)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Equatorial Guinea") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Equatorial Guinea",66)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Eritrea") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Eritrea",67)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Estonia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Estonia",68)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Ethiopia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Ethiopia",69)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Falkland Islands (Malvinas)") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",70)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Faroe Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Faroe Islands",71)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Fiji") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Fiji",72)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Finland") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Finland",73)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("France") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("France",74)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("French Guiana") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("French Guiana",75)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("French Polynesia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("French Polynesia",76)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("French Southern Territories") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("French Southern Territories",77)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Gabon") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Gabon",78)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Gambia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Gambia",79)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Georgia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Georgia",80)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Germany") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Germany",81)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Ghana") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Ghana",82)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Gibraltar") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Gibraltar",83)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Greece") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Greece",84)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Greenland") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Greenland",85)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Grenada") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Grenada",86)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Guadeloupe") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Guadeloupe",87)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Guam") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Guam",88)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Guatemala") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Guatemala",89)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Guernsey") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Guernsey",90)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Guinea") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Guinea",91)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Guinea-Bissau") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Guinea-Bissau",92)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Guyana") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Guyana",93)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Haiti") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Haiti",94)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Heard Island and McDonald Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Heard Island and McDonald Islands",95)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Holy See (Vatican City State)") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Holy See (Vatican City State)",96)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Honduras") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Honduras",97)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Hong Kong") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Hong Kong",98)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Hungary") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Hungary",99)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Iceland") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Iceland",100)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("India") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("India",101)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Indonesia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Indonesia",102)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Iran, Islamic Republic of") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Iran, Islamic Republic of",103)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Iraq") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Iraq",104)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Ireland") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Ireland",105)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Isle of Man") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Isle of Man",106)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Israel") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Israel",107)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Italy") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Italy",108)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Jamaica") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Jamaica",109)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Japan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Japan",110)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Jersey") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Jersey",111)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Jordan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Jordan",112)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Kazakhstan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Kazakhstan",113)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Kenya") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Kenya",114)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Kiribati") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Kiribati",115)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of",116)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Korea, Republic of") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Korea, Republic of",117)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Kuwait") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Kuwait",118)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Kyrgyzstan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Kyrgyzstan",119)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Lao People\'s Democratic Republic") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Lao People\'s Democratic Republic",120)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Latvia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Latvia",121)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Lebanon") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Lebanon",122)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Lesotho") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Lesotho",123)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Liberia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Liberia",124)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Libyan Arab Jamahiriya") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",125)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Liechtenstein") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Liechtenstein",126)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Lithuania") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Lithuania",127)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Luxembourg") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Luxembourg",128)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Macao") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Macao",129)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of",130)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Madagascar") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Madagascar",131)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Malawi") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Malawi",132)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Malaysia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Malaysia",133)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Maldives") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Maldives",134)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Mali") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Mali",135)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Malta") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Malta",136)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Marshall Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Marshall Islands",137)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Martinique") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Martinique",138)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Mauritania") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Mauritania",139)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Mauritius") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Mauritius",140)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Mayotte") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Mayotte",141)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Mexico") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Mexico",142)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Micronesia, Federated States of") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Micronesia, Federated States of",143)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Moldova, Republic of") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Moldova, Republic of",144)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Monaco") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Monaco",145)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Mongolia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Mongolia",146)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Montenegro") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Montenegro",147)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Montserrat") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Montserrat",148)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Morocco") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Morocco",149)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Mozambique") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Mozambique",150)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Myanmar") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Myanmar",151)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Namibia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Namibia",152)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Nauru") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Nauru",153)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Nepal") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Nepal",154)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Netherlands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Netherlands",155)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Netherlands Antilles") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Netherlands Antilles",156)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("New Caledonia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("New Caledonia",157)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("New Zealand") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("New Zealand",158)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Nicaragua") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Nicaragua",159)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Niger") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Niger",160)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Nigeria") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Nigeria",161)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Niue") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Niue",162)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Norfolk Island") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Norfolk Island",163)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Northern Mariana Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Northern Mariana Islands",164)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Norway") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Norway",165)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Oman") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Oman",166)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Pakistan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Pakistan",167)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Palau") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Palau",168)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Palestinian Territory, Occupied") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Palestinian Territory, Occupied",169)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Panama") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Panama",170)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Papua New Guinea") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Papua New Guinea",171)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Paraguay") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Paraguay",172)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Peru") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Peru",173)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Philippines") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Philippines",174)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Pitcairn") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Pitcairn",175)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Poland") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Poland",176)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Portugal") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Portugal",177)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Puerto Rico") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Puerto Rico",178)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Qatar") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Qatar",179)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Reunion Runion") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Reunion Runion",180)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Romania") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Romania",181)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Russian Federation") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Russian Federation",182)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Rwanda") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Rwanda",183)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Saint Barthlemy") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Saint Barthlemy",184)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Saint Helena") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Saint Helena",185)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Saint Kitts and Nevis") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Saint Kitts and Nevis",186)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Saint Lucia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Saint Lucia",187)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Saint Martin (French part)") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Saint Martin (French part)",188)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Saint Pierre and Miquelon") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Saint Pierre and Miquelon",189)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Saint Vincent and the Grenadines") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",190)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Samoa") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Samoa",191)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("San Marino") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("San Marino",192)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Sao Tome and Principe") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Sao Tome and Principe",193)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Saudi Arabia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Saudi Arabia",194)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Senegal") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Senegal",195)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Serbia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Serbia",196)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Seychelles") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Seychelles",197)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Sierra Leone") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Sierra Leone",198)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Singapore") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Singapore",199)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Slovakia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Slovakia",200)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Slovenia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Slovenia",201)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Solomon Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Solomon Islands",202)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Somalia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Somalia",203)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("South Africa") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("South Africa",204)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",205)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Spain") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Spain",206)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Sri Lanka") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Sri Lanka",207)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Sudan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Sudan",208)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Suriname") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Suriname",209)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Svalbard and Jan Mayen") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Svalbard and Jan Mayen",210)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Swaziland") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Swaziland",211)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Sweden") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Sweden",212)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Switzerland") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Switzerland",213)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Syrian Arab Republic") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Syrian Arab Republic",214)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Taiwan, Province of China") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Taiwan, Province of China",215)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Tajikistan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Tajikistan",216)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Tanzania, United Republic of") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Tanzania, United Republic of",217)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Thailand") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Thailand",218)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Timor-Leste") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Timor-Leste",219)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Togo") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Togo",220)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Tokelau") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Tokelau",221)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Tonga") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Tonga",222)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Trinidad and Tobago") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Trinidad and Tobago",223)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Tunisia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Tunisia",224)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Turkey") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Turkey",225)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Turkmenistan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Turkmenistan",226)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Turks and Caicos Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Turks and Caicos Islands",227)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Tuvalu") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Tuvalu",228)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Uganda") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Uganda",229)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Ukraine") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Ukraine",230)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("United Arab Emirates") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("United Arab Emirates",231)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("United Kingdom") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("United Kingdom",232)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("United States") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("United States",233)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("United States Minor Outlying Islands") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("United States Minor Outlying Islands",234)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Uruguay") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Uruguay",235)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Uzbekistan") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Uzbekistan",236)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Vanuatu") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Vanuatu",237)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Venezuela") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Venezuela",238)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Viet Nam") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Viet Nam",239)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Virgin Islands, British") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Virgin Islands, British",240)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Virgin Islands, U.S.") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Virgin Islands, U.S.",241)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Wallis and Futuna") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Wallis and Futuna",242)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Western Sahara") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Western Sahara",243)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Yemen") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Yemen",244)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Zambia") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Zambia",245)
  If Not oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Exists("Zimbabwe") Then Call oGetCountriesByNameAsDic.Add("Zimbabwe",246)
End Function  'oGetCountriesByNameAsDic()

'Page 2 - Tab2

'Page 3 - Tab3

' General control helper functions

Function iComboBoxItemValueIdx(ByVal oComboBox, ByVal sItem)
  'Returns the Value index of sItem if it exists in oComboBox,
  'otherwise the value -1 if sItem not found.
  'Note that .Value is 0 to to oComboBox.Items.Count - 1
  'and .Items are from 1 to oComboBox.Items.Count
  iComboBoxItemValueIdx = -1
  If oComboBox Is Nothing Then Exit Function
  Dim i
  For i = 1 To oComboBox.Items.Count
    If oComboBox.Items.Item(i).Text = sItem Then
      'Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "i = " & i & vbTab & oComboBox.Items(i).Text)
      iComboBoxItemValueIdx = i-1
      Exit For
    End If
  Next  'i
End Function  'iComboBoxItemValueIdx()

Function bInitComboBox(ByVal oComboBox, ByVal sXmlFilePath, ByVal sXpath)
  'Initialize the ComboBox control oComboBox using the values in file sXmlFilePath
  'specified by the xPath sXpath.
  bInitComboBox = False
  If oComboBox Is Nothing Then Exit Function
  If Not FileExist(sXmlFilePath) Then 
    Call LogFileWrite("  ERROR - xml file path does not exist '" & sXmlFilePath & "'")
    Exit Function
  End If
  If len(sXpath) = 0 Then Exit Function
  Dim xmlDoc, oNode, i
  Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
  xmlDoc.Async = "false"
  If Not xmlDoc.Load(sXmlFilePath) Then 
    Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - Fn bInitComboBox() was unable to load file '" & sXmlFilePath & "'")
    Exit Function
  End If
  If xmlDoc.selectNodes(sXpath).Length = 0 Then Exit Function
  i = 0
  For Each oNode In xmlDoc.selectNodes(sXpath)
    Call oComboBox.Items.Add(SF_RemoveNonPrt(oNode.firstChild.text),i)
    i = i + 1
  If oComboBox.Items.Count > 0 Then bInitComboBox = True
  Set xmlDoc = Nothing: Set oNode = Nothing
End Function  'bInitComboBox()



XTable linked to class controls

I developed this template for a dialog with an XTable linked to class controls in order to simplify the coding.   The class objects included (CheckBox, EditBox, and ComboBox) can be extended if necessary, and they provide a good model for creating other control class objects.   I added a few features to this to show how to achieve the desired control behaviour within the XTable event constraints.  

Download the dialog file:   XTable_class-controls.SUD

'-- SUD script file
'-- Author:   Mark W Kiehl
'-- Comment:  xTable with user capability to move cell contents up/down.
' The contents of xTable1 are retained in a dictionary object oXTableDic
' where the key corresponds to the xTable row, and each value in oXTableDic 
' consists of an array holding a class object for each control (CheckBox, 
' EditBox, or ComboBox). 
' *** NOTE: a xTable never holds data, it only displays data. *** 
' XTable1_EventInitialize() populates oXTableDic with initial values.  
' XTable1_EventValGet() populates the XTable with the data in oXTableDic.
' XTable1_EventValChanged() and XTable1_EventValSet() updates oXTableDic with the 
' changes to the XTable1.  The updates to oXTableDic from these events are
' carefully engineered to achieve the desired control behaviour. 
' The following controls are within the xTable (see also the corresponding class objects):
'   Checkbox
'   EditBox
'   ComboBox
' See Sub btn_Done_EventClick() for an example on accessing the contents of oXTableDic.
Option Explicit  

Call LogFileDel()

Dim oXTableDic, arrXTableRow, arrXTableColNames
'oXTableDic vKey = XTable row (integer); Value = arrXTableRow(oCol1, oCol2, ... oColN)
Const bShowEvents = False

' XTable1

Sub XTable1_EventInitialize(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  'Initialize oXTableDic with the initial data to be shown in
  'XTable1.  Event XTable1_EventValGet() will update XTable1 
  'with the data from oXTableDic.
  If bShowEvents Then Call LogFileWrite("XTable1_EventInitialize")
  'Assign XTable column names to arrXTableColNames
  arrXTableColNames = Array("","CheckBox","EditBox","ComboBox")
  Set oXTableDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Dim oCheckBox, oEditBox, oComboBox, iRow
  For iRow = 1 To 3
    Set oCheckBox = New c_CheckBox
    'Disable CheckBox until the user makes a CombobBox selection
    oCheckBox.bEnable = False
    Set oEditBox = New c_EditBox
    oEditBox.sText = sStrRandomAlphaChars(5)
    Set oComboBox = New c_ComboBox
    'NOTE:  The iValue must be an integer index from 0 ...n
    Call oComboBox.Add(sStrRandomAlphaChars(6),0)
    Call oComboBox.Add(sStrRandomAlphaChars(6),1)
    Call oComboBox.Add(sStrRandomAlphaChars(6),2)
    'arrXTableRow = Array(Col 0, Col 1, Col 2, Col 3)
    arrXTableRow = Array(0,oCheckBox,oEditBox,oComboBox)
    Call oXTableDic.Add(iRow,arrXTableRow)
    Set oCheckBox = Nothing: Set oEditBox = Nothing: Set oComboBox = Nothing
    If IsArray(arrXTableRow) Then Call Erase(arrXTableRow)
  Next  'iRow
  'Next line very important!
  XTable1.RowCount = oXTableDic.Count
End Sub

Sub XTable1_EventColCtrlPreset(ByRef This, Col, ByRef Cell, IsInputCell) 'Created Event Handler
  'Executed after XTable1_EventInitialize(), once for each column, and for each column twice:
  'once (for display mode) IsInputCell = True, and then the 2nd (for entry mode) IsInputCell = False.
  'NOTE:  You cannot assign unique values to each row using this event.
  '       Every control in a column must have the same value. 
  'Use XTable1_EventValGet() to populate XTable1 controls uniquely by row with the data from oXTableDic.
  ''Example below demonstrates use of this event (MUST disable code under XTable1_EventValGet() if implemented).
  'Call LogFileWrite("XTable1_EventColCtrlPreset Col = " & Col & " IsInputCell = " & IsInputCell)
  'Select Case Col
  '  Case 1  'CheckBox
  '    Cell.Value = 0
  '  Case 2  'EditBox
  '    Cell.Text = Str(Now,"#dd-ttt-yyyy hh:nn:ss AMPM")
  '  Case 3  'ComboBox
  '    Call Cell.Items.RemoveAll()
  '    Call Cell.FillItemsByVar("xChnStyle",True)
  'End Select
End Sub

Sub XTable1_EventValGet(ByRef This, Row, Col, ByRef Cell, IsInputCell) 'Created Event Handler
  'Called by XTable1_EventInitialize().
  'Triggered by a XTable Cell click (before XTable1_EventCellClick().
  'Triggered by a XTable Cell ComboBox selection (before XTable1_EventValChanged())
  'Use XTable1_EventValGet to populate XTable1 with data from oXTableDic
  Dim oCheckBox, oEditBox, oComboBox, oItem

  'Table column titles
  If Col => 0 AND Row = 0 Then Cell.Text = arrXTableColNames(Col)
  'Create row index number label on the left border
  If Col = 0 AND Row > 0 Then Cell.Text = Str(Row)
  If Col > 0 AND Row > 0 Then
    If bShowEvents Then Call LogFileWrite("XTable1_EventValGet  Col = " & Col & " Row = " & Row & "  IsInputCell = " & IsInputCell)
    Select Case Col
      Case 1  'CheckBox
        'arrXTableRow = Array(Col 0, Col 1, Col 2, Col 3)
        arrXTableRow = oXTableDic(Row)
        Set oCheckbox = arrXTableRow(Col)
        Cell.Value = oCheckBox.iValue
        Cell.Text = oCheckBox.sText
        Cell.Enable = oCheckBox.bEnable
      Case 2  'EditBox
        arrXTableRow = oXTableDic(Row)
        Set oEditBox = arrXTableRow(Col)
        Cell.Text = oEditBox.sText
        Cell.Enable = oEditBox.bEnable
      Case 3  'ComboBox
        arrXTableRow = oXTableDic(Row)
        Set oComboBox = arrXTableRow(Col)
        Call Cell.Items.RemoveAll()
        For Each oItem In oComboBox.Items
          Call Cell.Items.Add(oItem.sKey, oItem.iValue)
        Cell.Value = oComboBox.iValue
        Cell.Enable = oComboBox.bEnable
    End Select
    Set oCheckBox = Nothing: Set oEditBox = Nothing: Set oComboBox = Nothing
    If IsArray(arrXTableRow) Then Call Erase(arrXTableRow)
  End If
End Sub

Sub XTable1_EventValChanged(ByRef This, Row, Col, ByRef Cell) 'Created Event Handler
  'Triggered when a Cell is changed (CheckBox clicked, EditBox edited, ComboBox selection made).
  'Update oXTableDic with the user changed made to XTable1
  If bShowEvents Then Call LogFileWrite("XTable1_EventValChanged  Col = " & Col & " Row = " & Row)
  If Col > 0 AND Row > 0 Then
    Dim oCheckBox, oEditBox, oComboBox, oItem
    Select Case Col
      Case 1  'CheckBox
        'arrXTableRow = Array(Col 0, Col 1, Col 2, Col 3)
        arrXTableRow = oXTableDic(Row)
        Set oCheckbox = arrXTableRow(Col)
        oCheckBox.iValue = Cell.Value
        Set arrXTableRow(Col) = oCheckBox
        oXTableDic(Row) = arrXTableRow
      Case 2  'EditBox
        'Validate the user input to the Cell.
        If Len(Cell.Text) > 0 Then
          arrXTableRow = oXTableDic(Row)
          Set oEditBox = arrXTableRow(Col)
          oEditBox.sText = Cell.Text
          Set arrXTableRow(Col) = oEditBox
          oXTableDic(Row) = arrXTableRow
        End If
      Case 3  'ComboBox
        arrXTableRow = oXTableDic(Row)
        Set oComboBox = arrXTableRow(Col)
        'NOTE:  New values (ComboBox editing) are processed by XTable1_EventValSet()
        If Cell.Items.Count = oComboBox.iCount Then
          'ComboBox selection made by user
          oComboBox.iValue = Cell.Value
        End If
        Set arrXTableRow(Col) = oComboBox
        oXTableDic(Row) = arrXTableRow
    End Select
    Set oCheckBox = Nothing: Set oEditBox = Nothing: Set oComboBox = Nothing
    If IsArray(arrXTableRow) Then Call Erase(arrXTableRow)
  End If
End Sub

Sub XTable1_EventValSet(ByRef This, Row, Col, ByRef Cell) 'Created Event Handler
  'Use XTable1_EventValGet to populate oXTableDic with data from XTable1
  'Call LogFileWrite("XTable1_EventValSet  Col = " & Col & " Row = " & Row)
  Dim oComboBox
  If Col > 0 AND Row > 0 Then
    Select Case Col
      Case 1,2  'CheckBox,EditBox,
        'Nothing processed here.  
      Case 3  'ComboBox
        'If the user edits the ComboBox (adds something new), then process 
        'the new entry here.  
        'NOTE:  In order for the ComboBox control to accept user editing, you 
        '       must manually edit the control properties for 'Entry Control' 
        '       and change the default Combo Type from '2 - StaticDropDown' to
        '       '1 EditableDropDown'. 
        arrXTableRow = oXTableDic(Row)
        Set oComboBox = arrXTableRow(Col)
        If Not oComboBox.Exists(Cell.Text) AND Len(Cell.Text) > 0 Then
          Call oComboBox.Add(Cell.Text,oComboBox.iCount)
          oComboBox.iValue = oComboBox.iCount - 1
        End If  
        Set arrXTableRow(Col) = oComboBox
        oXTableDic(Row) = arrXTableRow
        If IsArray(arrXTableRow) Then Call Erase(arrXTableRow)
        Set oComboBox = Nothing
        'EnableCheckBoxRowsIfRowContentsAreValid() is called by XTable1_EventValSet() and XTable1_EventCellClick()
        Call EnableCheckBoxRowsIfRowContentsAreValid()
    End Select
  End If
End Sub

Sub XTable1_EventToolTipShow(ByRef This, Row, Col, ByRef CellToolTip) 'Created Event Handler
  If bShowEvents Then Call LogFileWrite("XTable1_EventToolTipShow  Col = " & Col & " Row = " & Row)
  Dim oCheckBox
  If Col > 0 AND Row > 0 Then
    Select Case Col
      Case 1
        arrXTableRow = oXTableDic(Row)
        Set oCheckBox = arrXTableRow(Col)
        If oCheckBox.bEnable = True Then
          CellToolTip = "Click to enable save for this row " & Row
          CellToolTip = "You must make a ComboBox selection in order to enable row " & Row
        End If
    End Select
  End If
End Sub

Sub EnableCheckBoxRowsIfRowContentsAreValid()
  'Enable the CheckBox (Col=1) for a row if the user has made a 
  'selection for the ComboBox (Col=3).
  'Enable btn_Done if at least one CheckBox is checked.
  'EnableCheckBoxRowsIfRowContentsAreValid() is called by XTable1_EventValSet() and XTable1_EventCellClick()
  Dim iRow, oCheckBox, oComboBox, iCount
  iCount = 0
  For iRow = 1 To oXTableDic.Count
    arrXTableRow = oXTableDic(iRow)
    Set oCheckBox = arrXTableRow(1)
    If oCheckBox.iValue = 1 Then iCount = iCount + 1
    Set oComboBox = arrXTableRow(3)
    If Not oComboBox.iValue = -1 Then
      oCheckBox.bEnable = True
    End If
    Set arrXTableRow(1) = oCheckBox
    oXTableDic(iRow) = arrXTableRow
    Call XTable1.Refresh()    'This updates xTable1 with the changes to oXTableDic
  Set oCheckBox = Nothing: Set oComboBox = Nothing
  If IsArray(arrXTableRow) Then Call Erase(arrXTableRow)
  If iCount > 0 Then btn_Done.Enable = True
End Sub 'EnableCheckBoxRowsIfRowContentsAreValid()

Sub XTable1_EventCellClick(ByRef This, Row, Col) 'Created Event Handler
  If bShowEvents Then Call LogFileWrite("XTable1_EventCellClick  Col = " & Col & " Row = " & Row)
  'EnableCheckBoxRowsIfRowContentsAreValid() is called by XTable1_EventValSet() and XTable1_EventCellClick()
  Call EnableCheckBoxRowsIfRowContentsAreValid()
End Sub

Sub XTable1_EventContextMenuPointSelected(ByRef This, Row, Col, MenuPoint) 'Created Event Handler
  If bShowEvents Then Call LogFileWrite("XTable1_EventContextMenuPointSelected() Col = " & Col & " Row = " & Row)
End Sub

Sub XTable1_EventContextMenuShowing(ByRef This, Row, Col, MenuPoints) 'Created Event Handler
  'Add a new item to the context menu or submenu. 
  'Call MenuPoints.Add("Add Item",1)
End Sub

Sub XTable1_EventLostFocus(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  If bShowEvents Then Call LogFileWrite("XTable1_EventLostFocus  This.ActiveCellCol = "& This.ActiveCellCol & "  This.ActiveCellRow = " & This.ActiveCellRow)
End Sub

Sub XTable1_EventRefresh(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  If bShowEvents Then Call LogFileWrite("XTable1_EventRefresh  " & This.ActiveCellCol & vbTab & This.ActiveCellRow)
End Sub

Sub XTable1_EventSelChanged(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  If bShowEvents Then Call LogFileWrite("XTable1_EventSelChanged  "& This.ActiveCellCol & vbTab & This.ActiveCellRow)
End Sub


Class c_ComboBox
  'An object to hold the data for a ListItem (ComboBox, ...)
  ' iCount - the number of ListItems
  ' iChars - the maximum number of characters for all of the sKey values.
  ' bEnable
  ' sText - sText and iValue relate the to currently selected value. 
  ' iValue - If iValue = -1, no selection, otherwise 0 = first item, 1 = 2nd item, ..

  Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    bEnable_ = True
    iCount_ = 0
    iChars_ = 0
    iValue_ = -1
    sText = ""
  End Sub 'Class_Initialize()
  Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    If IsArray(arrListItems) Then Call Erase(arrListItems)
  End Sub 'Class_Terminate
  ' property bEnable
  Private bEnable_
  Public Property Let bEnable(bEnable__)
    'Assign a value to the property bEnable
    bEnable_ = bEnable__
  End Property
  Public Property Get bEnable
    'Read the property value bEnable
    bEnable = bEnable_
  End Property

  ' property iCount
  Private iCount_
  Public Property Get iCount
    'Read the read-only property value iCount
    iCount = iCount_
  End Property
  ' property iChars
  Private iChars_
  Public Property Get iChars
    'Read the read-only property value Chars
    iChars = iChars_
  End Property
  ' property iValue
  Private iValue_
  Public Property Let iValue(iValue__)
    'Assign a value to the property iValue
    iValue_ = iValue__
    Dim oListItem, i
    i = 0
    If IsArray(arrListItems) AND bArrayIsEmpty(arrListItems) = False Then
      If iValue__ > uBound(arrListItems) Then Call Err.Raise(65535,,"ERROR - the iValue of " & Str(iValue__) & " exceeds the maximum index for the ListItems (0 .." & Str(iCount_ - 1) & ")") 
      For Each oListItem In arrListItems
        If i = iValue_ Then
          sText_ = oListItem.sKey
          Exit For
        End If
        i = i + 1
      If iValue__ => 0 Then Call Err.Raise(65535,,"ERROR - the iValue of " & Str(iValue__) & " exceeds the number of ListItems") 
    End If
  End Property
  Public Property Get iValue
    'Read the property value iValue
    iValue = iValue_
  End Property

  ' property sText
  Private sText_
  Public Property Let sText(sText__)
    'Assign a value to the property sText
    sText_ = sText__
    Dim oListItem, i
    i = 0
    If IsArray(arrListItems) AND bArrayIsEmpty(arrListItems) = False Then
      iValue_ = -1
      For Each oListItem In arrListItems
        If oListItem.sKey = sText__ Then
          iValue_ = i
          Exit For
        End If
        i = i + 1
      If iValue_ = -1 Then Call Err.Raise(65535,,"ERROR - the sText of '" & Str(sText__) & "' does not exist in ListItems") 
      If Len(sText__) > 0 Then Call Err.Raise(65535,,"ERROR - the sText of '" & Str(sText__) & "' does not exist in ListItems") 
    End If
  End Property
  Public Property Get sText
    'Read the property value sText
    sText = sText_
  End Property

  Private arrListItems
  ' Methods
  Public Function Add(ByVal sKey, ByVal iValue)
    If Len(sKey) = 0 Then Exit Function
    If IsEmpty(iValue) Then Exit Function
    If Len(sKey) > iChars_ Then iChars_ = Len(sKey)
    Dim oListItem
    Set oListItem = New c_ListItem
    If IsArray(arrListItems) AND bArrayIsEmpty(arrListItems) = False Then
      If Exists(sKey) Then
        Call Err.Raise(65535,,"ERROR - the sText of '" & Str(sKey) & "' already exists in ListItems.  Use method Exists() to test for this.")
        oListItem.sKey = sKey
        oListItem.iValue = iValue
        ReDim Preserve arrListItems(uBound(arrListItems)+1)
        Set arrListItems(uBound(arrListItems)) = oListItem
      End If
      oListItem.sKey = sKey
      oListItem.iValue = iValue
      ReDim arrListItems(0)
      Set arrListItems(0) = oListItem
    End If
    iCount_ = uBound(arrListItems)+1
    Set oListItem = Nothing
  End Function  'Add()
  Public Function Items()
    Items = arrListItems
  End Function  'Items()
  Public Function Remove(ByVal sKey)
    If Not IsArray(arrListItems) Then 
      Exit Function
    End If
    Dim oListItem, arrListItemsCopy, i, bKeyExists, iCharsMax
    iCharsMax = 0
    i = 0
    bKeyExists = False
    i = 0
    For Each oListItem In arrListItems
      If Len(oListItem.sKey) > iCharsMax Then iCharsMax = Len(oListItem.sKey)
      If StrComp(oListItem.sKey,sKey,vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
        bKeyExists = True
        'Reset iValue because it currently points to the item to be removed.
        If iValue_ = i Then 
          iValue_ = -1
          sText_ = ""
        End If
      End If
      i = i + 1
    iChars_ = iCharsMax
    If bKeyExists Then
      i = 0
      ReDim arrListItemsCopy(uBound(arrListItems)-1)
      For Each oListItem In arrListItems
        If Not oListItem.sKey = sKey Then
          Set arrListItemsCopy(i) = oListItem
          i = i + 1
        End If
      arrListItems = arrListItemsCopy
      iCount_ = uBound(arrListItems)+1
      If IsArray(arrListItemsCopy) Then Call Erase(arrListItemsCopy)
    End If
  End Function  'Remove()
  Public Function RemoveAll()
    If IsArray(arrListItems) Then Call Erase(arrListItems)
    iCount_ = 0
    iValue_ = -1
  End Function  'RemoveAll()
  Public Function Exists(ByVal sKey)
    Exists = False
    If Not IsArray(arrListItems) Then 
      Exit Function
    End If
    Dim oListItem, arrListItemsCopy, bKeyExists
    bKeyExists = False
    For Each oListItem In arrListItems
      If StrComp(oListItem.sKey,sKey,vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
        bKeyExists = True
      End If
    If bKeyExists Then Exists = True
  End Function  'Exists()

End Class 'c_ComboBox


'Call LogFileDel()
'Call Demo_C_ListItem()
'Sub Demo_C_ListItem()
'  Dim oListItem
'  Set oListItem = New c_ListItem
'  oListItem.sKey = "A"
'  oListItem.iValue = 10
'  Call LogFileWrite("sKey, iVal = " & oListItem.sKey & vbTab & oListItem.iValue)
'  Set oListItem = Nothing
'End Sub 'Demo_C_ListItem()

Class c_ListItem
  'Provides for two properties, sKey and iValue corresponding to the properties for a ListItem.

  Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  End Sub 'Class_Initialize()
  Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  End Sub 'Class_Terminate
  ' property sKey
  Private sKey_
  Public Property Let sKey(sKey__)
    'Assign a value to the property sKey
    sKey_ = sKey__
  End Property
  Public Property Get sKey
    'Read the property value sKey
    sKey = sKey_
  End Property
  ' property iValue
  Private iValue_
  Public Property Let iValue(iValue__)
    'Assign a value to the property iValue
    iValue_ = iValue__
  End Property
  Public Property Get iValue
    'Read the property value iValue
    iValue = iValue_
  End Property

End Class 'c_ListItem

Class C_EditBox
  ''bEnable, sText, bReadOnly

  Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    bEnable_ = True
    bReadOnly_ = False
    sText_ = ""
  End Sub 'Class_Initialize()
  Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  End Sub 'Class_Terminate
  ' property sText
  Private sText_
  Public Property Let sText(sText__)
    'Assign a value to the property sText
    sText_ = sText__
  End Property
  Public Property Get sText
    'Read the property value sText
    sText = sText_
  End Property
  ' property bEnable
  Private bEnable_
  Public Property Let bEnable(bEnable__)
    'Assign a value to the property bEnable
    bEnable_ = bEnable__
  End Property
  Public Property Get bEnable
    'Read the property value bEnable
    bEnable = bEnable_
  End Property

  ' property bReadOnly
  Private bReadOnly_
  Public Property Let bReadOnly(bReadOnly__)
    'Assign a value to the property bReadOnly
    bReadOnly_ = bReadOnly__
  End Property
  Public Property Get bReadOnly
    'Read the property value bReadOnly
    bReadOnly = bReadOnly_
  End Property

End Class 'C_EditBox

Class C_Text
  ''bEnable, sText, iValue

  Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    bEnable_ = True
    iValue_ = 0
    sText_ = ""
  End Sub 'Class_Initialize()
  Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  End Sub 'Class_Terminate
  ' property sText
  Private sText_
  Public Property Let sText(sText__)
    'Assign a value to the property sText
    sText_ = sText__
  End Property
  Public Property Get sText
    'Read the property value sText
    sText = sText_
  End Property
  ' property bEnable
  Private bEnable_
  Public Property Let bEnable(bEnable__)
    'Assign a value to the property bEnable
    bEnable_ = bEnable__
  End Property
  Public Property Get bEnable
    'Read the property value bEnable
    bEnable = bEnable_
  End Property

  ' property iValue
  Private iValue_
  Public Property Let iValue(iValue__)
    'Assign a value to the property iValue
    iValue_ = iValue__
  End Property
  Public Property Get iValue
    'Read the property value iValue
    iValue = iValue_
  End Property

End Class 'C_Text

Class C_CheckBox
  'bEnable sText iValue

  Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    bEnable_ = True
    iValue_ = 0
    sText_ = ""
  End Sub 'Class_Initialize()
  Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  End Sub 'Class_Terminate
  ' property sText
  Private sText_
  Public Property Let sText(sText__)
    'Assign a value to the property sText
    sText_ = sText__
  End Property
  Public Property Get sText
    'Read the property value sText
    sText = sText_
  End Property
  ' property bEnable
  Private bEnable_
  Public Property Let bEnable(bEnable__)
    'Assign a value to the property bEnable
    bEnable_ = bEnable__
  End Property
  Public Property Get bEnable
    'Read the property value bEnable
    bEnable = bEnable_
  End Property

  ' property iValue
  Private iValue_
  Public Property Let iValue(iValue__)
    'Assign a value to the property iValue
    iValue_ = iValue__
  End Property
  Public Property Get iValue
    'Read the property value iValue
    iValue = iValue_
  End Property

End Class 'C_CheckBox

'Call LogFileDel()
'Dim arrItems
'ReDim arrItems(1)
'arrItems(0) = "One"
'arrItems(1) = "Two"
'Call LogFileWrite("IsArray() = " & IsArray(arrItems))
'Call LogFileWrite("VarType(arrItems) = vbArray + vbVariant " & (VarType(arrItems) = vbArray + vbVariant))
'Call LogFileWrite("VarType(arrItems) = " & VarType(arrItems))
'Call LogFileWrite("bArrayIsEmpty() = " & bArrayIsEmpty(arrItems))
'Call LogFileWrite(vbTab)
'If IsArray(arrItems) Then Call Erase(arrItems)
'Call LogFileWrite("IsArray() = " & IsArray(arrItems))
'Call LogFileWrite("VarType(arrItems) = vbArray + vbVariant " & (VarType(arrItems) = vbArray + vbVariant))
'Call LogFileWrite("VarType(arrItems) = " & VarType(arrItems))
'Call LogFileWrite("bArrayIsEmpty() = " & bArrayIsEmpty(arrItems))

Function bArrayIsEmpty(ByVal arrArray)
  'Returns TRUE if arrArray is an array, but empty.
  'Returns FALSE if arrArray is not empty (has one or more values).
  'You cannot execute uBound(), lBound() on an array that has been erased with: Call Erase(arrArray).
  'This function allows you to determine if an array has been erased. 
  'Usage:  ReDim arrArray() If IsArray(arrListItems) AND bArrayIsEmpty(arrListItems) = False Then
  bArrayIsEmpty = False
  Dim lErr, sErr, iUbound
  On Error Resume Next
  iUbound = uBound(arrArray)
  lErr = Err.number: sErr = Err.Description: On Error Goto 0
  If lErr = 9 Then
    bArrayIsEmpty = True
  End If
End Function  'bArrayIsEmpty()


Function sStrRandomAlphaChars(iLength)
  ' This function creates a string of random characters, both numbers
  ' and alpha, with a length of iLength.  It uses Timer to seed the Rnd
  ' function.
  sStrRandomAlphaChars = ""
  Dim i, strCharBase, iPos
  strCharBase = "01234ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz56789"
  Randomize (Timer)
  For i = 1 To iLength
    iPos = Int((Len(strCharBase) - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
    'Call LogFileWrite(iPos & vbTab & "'" & Mid(strCharBase,iPos,1) & "'" & vbTab & "'" & sStrRandomAlphaChars & "'")
    sStrRandomAlphaChars = sStrRandomAlphaChars & Mid(strCharBase,iPos,1)
End Function  'sStrRandomAlphaChars()


Sub Dialog_EventInitialize(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  'btn_Done is disabled by default until at least one CheckBox
  'is checked.  See EnableCheckBoxRowsIfRowContentsAreValid()
  btn_Done.Enable = False
End Sub

Sub Dialog_EventTerminate(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  Call oXTableDic.RemoveAll:  Set oXTableDic = Nothing
End Sub

Sub btn_Done_EventClick(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  Call LogFileWrite(vbTab)
  Call LogFileWrite("btn_Done_EventClick")
  Dim oCheckBox, oEditBox, oComboBox, iRow
  Call LogFileWrite("iRow" & vbTab & "oCheckBox.iValue" & vbTab & "oEditBox.sText" & vbTab & "oComboBox.sText")
  For Each iRow In oXTableDic
    arrXTableRow = oXTableDic(iRow)
    Set oCheckBox = arrXTableRow(1)
    Set oEditBox = arrXTableRow(2)
    Set oComboBox = arrXTableRow(3)
    Call LogFileWrite(iRow & vbTab & oCheckBox.iValue & vbTab & oEditBox.sText & vbTab & "'" & oComboBox.sText & "'")
    Set oCheckBox = Nothing: Set oEditBox = Nothing: Set oComboBox = Nothing
    If IsArray(arrXTableRow) Then Call Erase(arrXTableRow)
  Next  'iRow
End Sub



Non-Modal Dialog

The script file and dialog (.sud) file demonstrate how to implement a non-modal dialog that populates the Data Portal with data, and then allows the user to interactively select a channel group, and then two Y channels to be plotted in the View panel (the x-channel is found programmatically).


Download the dialog file:   non-modal_dialog.SUD



'-- VBS script file non-modal_dialog.vbs
'-- Author:   Mark W Kiehl
'-- Comment:  
' This script calls a non-modal dialog box that creates data in the Data Portal,
' and then allows the user to interactively select the channel group, and then 
' two Y channels to be plotted in the View panel (the X channel is automatically
' determined).  
' If you have a DIAdem script running that takes a long time to execute and you 
' want a non-modal dialog to show the progress or some other action, then use 
' he SUDDlgCreateEx() command to run the dialog, and set the SUDDlgkeepEnabled 
' parameter to true.  
' Note that the script that calls this non-modal dialog with SUDDlgCreate() does 
' NOT contain transfer parameters that you can access in the dialog script using 
' the methods GetArgument and SetArgument.
Option Explicit  
Call LogFileDel()
Dim oDlg, sFilePathDlg
sFilePathDlg = CurrentScriptPath & "non-modal_dialog.sud"
Const sDlgName = "DlgNonModal"  ', sDlgFilename = "non-modal_dialog.sud"
If SudNonModalDlgLst(sDlgName) Is Nothing Then
  'To speed up DIAdemn, disable refreshing with UIAutoRefreshSet().
  'Then to force refresh, call UIAutoRefreshSet to restore the refresh state in 
  'the dialog EventTerminate event. 
  Call LogFileWrite("SudNonModalDlgLst is not running")
  Set oDlg = SUDDlgCreate(sDlgName,sFilePathDlg)
  'You must call the .Show() method in order to see the dialog.
  Call oDlg.Show()
  Set oDlg = Nothing
  Call LogFileWrite("SudNonModalDlgLst is currently running")
  If MsgBox("Click 'Yes' to show the dialog, 'No' to close it",vbYesNo,sDlgName) = vbYes Then
    Set oDlg = SUDNonModalDlgLst(sDlgName)
    Call oDlg.Show()
    Set oDlg = Nothing
    Set oDlg = SUDNonModalDlgLst(sDlgName)
    Call LogFileWrite("oDlg.FilePath & oDlg.FileName = " & oDlg.FilePath & oDlg.FileName)
    Call oDlg.Cancel()
    Set oDlg = Nothing
  End If
End If


'-- SUD script file non-modal_dialog.sud
'-- Author:   Mark W Kiehl
'-- Comment:  
' This non-modal dialog box creates data in the Data Portal, and then
' allows the user to interactively select the channel group, and then 
' two Y channels to be plotted in the View panel (the X channel is 
' automatically determined).  
' The Dialog 'ShowTitleMenu' property has been set to No.  This prevents
' the Close icon (x) from appearing in the title bar. 
' In a non-modal user dialog box you have only restricted access to REPORT objects 
' through GraphObjOpen because these objects cannot be opened simultaneously from 
' different places. Use the object-oriented REPORT interface instead.
' Note that the script that calls this non-modal dialog with SUDDlgCreate() does 
' NOT contain transfer parameters that you can access in the dialog script using 
' the methods GetArgument and SetArgument.
Option Explicit  

Dim oChnX, oChnY1, oChnY2

Sub Dialog_EventInitialize(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler

  Call LogFileWrite("Dialog_EventInitialize")
  'Call LogFileWrite("Dialog.FilePath & Dialog.FileName = " & Dialog.FilePath & Dialog.FileName)
  'Clear out the View panel
  Call WndShow("View")
  Call View.NewLayout()

  'Create data in the Data Portal ..
  Call Data.Root.Clear()
  Portal.Visible = True
  Call bCreateSampleNumericData()
End Sub

Sub ChnGrp_EventInitialize(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  Dim oGrp
  Call ChnGrp.Items.RemoveAll()
  For Each oGrp In Data.Root.ChannelGroups()
    Call ChnGrp.Items.Add(oGrp.Name, ChnGrp.Items.Count)
  Call ChnY1.Items.RemoveAll()
  ChnY1.Enable = False
  Call ChnY2.Items.RemoveAll()
  ChnY2.Enable = False
End Sub

Sub ChnGrp_EventChange(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  Dim oChn
  If ChnGrp.Value >= 0 Then
    Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups(ChnGrp.Text).Activate()
    Set oChnX = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(ChnGrp.Text).Channels("Time")
    ChnY1.Enable = True
    Call ChnY1.Items.RemoveAll()
    ChnY2.Enable = False
    Call ChnY2.Items.RemoveAll()
    For Each oChn In Data.Root.ChannelGroups(ChnGrp.Text).Channels()
      If Not oChn.Name = oChnX.Name Then
        Call ChnY1.Items.Add(oChn.Name,ChnY1.Items.Count)
      End If
  End If
End Sub

Sub ChnY1_EventChange(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  Dim oChn
  If ChnY1.Value >= 0 Then
    Set oChnY1 = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(ChnGrp.Text).Channels(ChnY1.Text)
    ChnY2.Enable = True
    Call ChnY2.Items.RemoveAll()
    For Each oChn In Data.Root.ChannelGroups(ChnGrp.Text).Channels()
      If oChn.Name = oChnX.Name OR oChn.Name = oChnY1.Name Then
        Call ChnY2.Items.Add(oChn.Name,ChnY2.Items.Count)
      End If
    If ChnY2.Items.Count = 1 Then
      ChnY2.Value = 0
      ChnY2.Enable = False
      Call PlotXY1Y2()
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Sub PlotXY1Y2()
  Dim oGrp, oElementList
  Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(ChnGrp.Text)
  Set oElementList = Data.CreateElementList()
  Call oElementList.Add(oGrp.Channels(oChnX.Name))
  Call oElementList.Add(oGrp.Channels(oChnY1.Name))
  Call oElementList.Add(oGrp.Channels(oChnY2.Name))
  If Not b2dPlotToViewByElementList(oElementList) Then
    Call LogFileWrite("ERROR - b2dPlotToViewByElementList()")
    Call Dialog.Cancel()
  End If
  Set oElementList = Nothing: Set oGrp = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ChnY2_EventChange(ByRef This) 'Created Event Handler
  If ChnY2.Value >= 0 Then
    Set oChnY2 = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(ChnGrp.Text).Channels(ChnY2.Text)
    Call PlotXY1Y2()
  End If
End Sub


'Call bCreateSampleNumericData()

Function bCreateSampleNumericData()
  bCreateSampleNumericData = False
  Const iSamples = 25
  Dim oFileProps, oGrpProps, oChnProps, sDate, dtDate
  Set oFileProps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set oGrpProps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set oChnProps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  dtDate = Now()
  sDate = str(dtDate,"#yyyymmdd-hhnnss")
  Call oFileProps.Add("description","simulated data created " & sDate & "  1 grps with 3 chns with " & iSamples & " samples")
  'Call oFileProps.Add("title","AS_AnalyzeDataFile_ComparativeEval")
  Call oFileProps.Add("author", "Mark Kiehl")
  Call oFileProps.Add("sourceoriginalname", CurrentScriptName)
  Call oFileProps.Add("datetime",dtDate)
  Call oGrpProps.Add("description","explicit channels")
  Call oGrpProps.Add("sourceoriginalname","")
  Call oChnProps.Add("description","numeric channel data")
  Call dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal(iSamples, oFileProps, oGrpProps, oChnProps)
  Data.Root.Name = "numeric_" & sDate & "_2x3x" & Str(iSamples)
  Call oFileProps.RemoveAll(): Set oFileProps = Nothing
  Call oGrpProps.RemoveAll(): Set oGrpProps = Nothing
  Call oChnProps.RemoveAll(): Set oChnProps = Nothing
  bCreateSampleNumericData = True
End Function  'bCreateSampleNumericData()

Function dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal(ByVal iSamples, ByVal oFileProps, ByVal oGrpProps, ByVal oChnProps)
  'Creates simulated data in the Data Portal and returns the amount of
  'time in seconds it took to do it.
  Const iGrps = 2
  Call MsgLineDisp("Creating " & Str(iGrps) & " grps with 3 chns with " & iSamples & " samples")
  dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal = 0.0
  Call Data.Root.Clear()
  Const dpTimer = 25
  Call StopWatchReset(dpTimer)
  Dim g, oGrp, oChnT, oChn, s, c, sPropName, vPropVal, dConst
  Dim oElementList, sChn, dValStart, dValEnd, dValStep, iRows, iRowFirst
  Dim bChnCommentOver
  bChnCommentOver = ChnCommentOver
  ChnCommentOver = False
  Call LoopInit()
  For g = 1 to iGrps
    Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("myGroup" & str(g))
    Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(g)
    For Each sPropName in oGrpProps
      vPropVal = oGrpProps(sPropName)
      Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
        Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
        Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
        Case vbDate
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
        Case vbString
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
        Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
          Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
      End Select
    Next  'oGrpProps
    'Create channels
    'Create a new time channels with iSamples beginning 
    'from a value of 0.0 and ending with a value of 500.0
    sChn = "[" & oGrp.Properties("index").Value & "]/Time"
    dValStart = 0.0
    dValEnd = iSamples / g
    Set oElementList = ChnLinGen(sChn,dValStart,dValEnd,iSamples,"s")
    Set oChnT = oGrp.Channels(oElementList.Item(1).Name)
    If g = 1 Then
      For c = 1 To 2
      Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("myChn" & Str(c),DataTypeChnFloat64)
        For Each sPropName in oChnProps
          vPropVal = oChnProps(sPropName)
          Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
            Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
            Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
            Case vbDate
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
            Case vbString
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
            Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
              Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
          End Select
        Next  'oChnProps
        Select Case c
          Case 1
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "bar"
            oChn.Name = "Pressure"
          Case 2
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "K"
            oChn.Name = "Temperature"
        End Select
      Next  'c
    Else  'g=2
      For c = 3 To 6
      Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("myChn" & Str(c),DataTypeChnFloat64)
        For Each sPropName in oChnProps
          vPropVal = oChnProps(sPropName)
          Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
            Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
            Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
            Case vbDate
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
            Case vbString
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
            Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
              Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
          End Select
        Next  'oChnProps
        Select Case c
          Case 3
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "mph"
            oChn.Name = "Speed"
            dConst = 1500
          Case 4
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "m/s^2"
            oChn.Name = "Acceleration"
            dConst = 1.5
          Case 5
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "ft-lb"
            oChn.Name = "Torque"
            dConst = 200
          Case 6
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "kW"
            oChn.Name = "Power"
            dConst = 20
        End Select
      Next  'c
    End If  'g
    Set oGrp = Nothing: Set oChnT = Nothing: Set oChn = Nothing
    Call LoopInc(Fix(g/iGrps*100))
  Next  'g

  'Create an additional channel group with the base data.
  Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("TempGroup")
  'Create the time channel
  sChn = "[" & oGrp.Properties("index").Value & "]/Time"
  dValStart = 0.0
  dValEnd = 10
  Call ChnLinGen(sChn,dValStart,dValEnd,iSamples,"s")
  'Create the base data channel
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Data",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  dValStart = 1.0
  dValEnd = 1000
  sChn = oChn.GetReference(eRefTypeIndexIndex)
  Call ChnGeoGen(sChn,dValStart,dValEnd,iSamples)
  Call ChnNormalize(oChn,sChn)
  'Create a noise channel
  Dim sFormula, arrSymbols, arrValues
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Noise",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  ReDim arrSymbols(1): ReDim arrValues(1)
  sFormula = "Noise = Sin(Time)"
  arrSymbols(0) = "Time"
  arrSymbols(1) = "Noise"
  Set arrValues(0) = oGrp.Channels("Time")
  Set arrValues(1) = oGrp.Channels("Noise")
  Call Calculate(sFormula, arrSymbols, arrValues)    
  'Combine the Data and Noise channels
  Call ChnSub(oGrp.Channels("Data"),oGrp.Channels("Noise"),sChn)
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels("Data")
  Call Randomize()
  For s = 1 to iSamples
    oChn.Values(s) = oChn.Values(s) * Random(1)
  'Offset the channel values so that they are all  >= 0
  Call ChnCharacter(oChn)
  Call ChnOffset(oChn, oChn, oChn.Size, "min. value offset")

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Pressure")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  '0.9653 to 28.0 bar
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,20,MaxV(0.9653-oChnT.Minimum,0.9653))

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Temperature")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  '273 to 373 K
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,10,273)
  Call ChnReciprocal(oChnT, oChnT)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,100000,0)
  Call ChnOffset(oChnT, oChnT, 273-oChnT.Minimum, "free offset")
  oChnT.UnitSymbol = "K"

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Speed")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  '300 to 2500 rpm
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,1000,MaxV(300-oChn.Minimum,300))

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Torque")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,250,25)
  'Modify the Data channel
  Call ChnLinScale(oChn, oChn, 50, 5)
  Call ChnReciprocal(oChn, oChn)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChn, oChn, 1000, 0)

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Acceleration")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,1,0)
  'Modify the Noise channel
  Set oChn = Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels("Noise")
  Call ChnReciprocal(oChn, oChn)
  Call ChnOffset(oChn, oChn, oChn.Size, "min. value offset")

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Power")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  Set oChn = Nothing: Set oChnT = Nothing: Set oGrp = Nothing
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels.Remove("Noise")
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels.Remove("Data")
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels.Remove("Time")
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Remove("TempGroup")
  Call ChnCharacterAll()
  ChnCommentOver = bChnCommentOver
  Call LoopDeInit()
  'Add the properties
  Call MsgLineDisp("Adding file properties..")
  For Each sPropName in oFileProps
    vPropVal = oFileProps(sPropName)
    Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
      Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
      Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
      Case vbDate
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
      Case vbString
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
      Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
        Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
    End Select
  Call StopWatchPause(dpTimer)
  dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal = Round(StopWatch(dpTimer),1)
  Call MsgLineDisp(vbTab)
End Function  'dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal()


Function b2dPlotToViewByElementList(ByVal oElementList)
  'Creates a 2D plot in View of the data channels in oElementList.
  'oElementList must contain at least 2 channels, and one of them 
  'must be a Time, DateTime, or DataType = DataTypeChnDate.
  'Returns TRUE if successful. 
  b2dPlotToViewByElementList = False
  If Not IsObject(oElementList) Then Exit Function
  If oElementList.Count = 0 Then Exit Function
  Dim oElement, oChnX, iChns
  'Find the x-axis channel within oElementList
  For Each oElement in oElementList
    If oElement.IsKindOf(eDataChannel) Then
      iChns = iChns + 1
      If (Not IsObject(oChnX)) AND (oElement.Name = "Time" or oElement.Name = "DateTime" or oElement.DataType = DataTypeChnDate ) Then 
        Set oChnX = oElement
       End If 'oElement.Name
    End If 'oElement.IsKindOf() 
  Next 'oElement
  If Not IsObject(oChnX) Then
    Call LogFileWrite("ERROR - time / datetime channel not found in oElementList.  Fn b2dPlotToViewByElementList()")
    Exit Function
  End If
  If iChns < 2 Then
    Call LogFileWrite("ERROR - insufficient channels passed in oElementList to Fn b2dPlotToViewByElementList()")
    Exit Function
  End If
  'Delete any sheets that exist
  Call View.Sheets.RemoveAll()
  Call View.NewLayout()
  'Add a single area with a 2D curve
  Dim oArea, oChnDateTime, oChn
  Set oArea = View.ActiveSheet.ActiveArea
  oArea.DisplayObjType = "CurveChart2D"   
  'Add channels to the curve
  For Each oElement in oElementList
    If oElement.IsKindOf(eDataChannel) Then
      If Not oElement.Name = oChnX.Name Then
        Call oArea.DisplayObj.Curves.Add(oChnX.GetReference(eRefTypeIndexIndex),oElement.GetReference(eRefTypeIndexIndex))
      End If
    End If 'oElement.IsKindOf() 
  Next 'oElement
  oArea.DisplayObj.YScaling = "n systems [phys.]"
  View.ActiveSheet.ActiveArea.DisplayObj.XScalingMode = "RangeFull"
  Set oChnX = Nothing: Set oChn = Nothing: Set oArea = Nothing
  b2dPlotToViewByElementList = True
End Function  'b2dPlotToViewByElementList()



Script Interaction With Non-Modal Dialog

DIAdem commands:   SudNonModalDlgLst(), SUDDlgCreate()

Download the dialog file:   non-modal_dialog_CallScriptControlled.SUD

'-- SUD script file non-modal_dialog_CallScriptControlled.vbs
'-- Author:   Mechatronic Solutions LLC
'             Mark W Kiehl
' Demonstrates manipulation of a non-modal dialog by a script.
' This script creates data in the Data Portal, then calls a non-modal dialog
' and populates one combo box with the channel group names.
' When the user selects a channel group, an event within the dialog will
' enable the combobox for channels and populate it with the channel names
' for the channel groups selected by the user.
' If you have a DIAdem script running that takes a long time to execute and you 
' want a non-modal dialog to show the progress or some other action, then use 
' the SUDDlgCreateEx() command to run the dialog, and set the SUDDlgkeepEnabled 
' parameter to true.  
' Note that the script that calls this non-modal dialog with SUDDlgCreate() does 
' NOT contain transfer parameters that you can access in the dialog script using 
' the methods GetArgument and SetArgument.
Option Explicit  
Call LogFileDel()
Dim oDlg, sFilePathDlg, oDlgControl, oGrp, oChn
sFilePathDlg = CurrentScriptPath & "non-modal_dialog_CallScriptControlled.SUD"
Const sDlgName = "DlgNonModal"
Call Data.Root.Clear()
Call bCreateSampleNumericData()
If SudNonModalDlgLst(sDlgName) Is Nothing Then
  Call LogFileWrite("SudNonModalDlgLst is not running")
  Set oDlg = SUDDlgCreate(sDlgName,sFilePathDlg)
  Call LogFileWrite("SudNonModalDlgLst is currently running")
  Set oDlg = SUDNonModalDlgLst(sDlgName)
End If
'You must call the .Show() method in order to see the dialog.
Call oDlg.Show()
'You reference a control item by it's index or name (name = "DialogCode" in the Dialog Editor)
Set oDlgControl = oDlg.Controls.Item("cbo_ChnGrps")
'Add all of the channel group names to the combobox named "cbo_ChnGrps"
Call oDlgControl.Items.RemoveAll()
For Each oGrp In Data.Root.ChannelGroups()
  Call oDlgControl.Items.Add(oGrp.Name, oDlgControl.Items.Count)
Set oChn = Nothing: Set oGrp = Nothing: Set oDlgControl = Nothing


'Call bCreateSampleNumericData()

Function bCreateSampleNumericData()
  bCreateSampleNumericData = False
  Const iSamples = 25
  Dim oFileProps, oGrpProps, oChnProps, sDate, dtDate, bUIAutoRefreshSet
  bUIAutoRefreshSet = UIAutoRefreshSet(False)
  Set oFileProps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set oGrpProps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set oChnProps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  dtDate = Now()
  sDate = str(dtDate,"#yyyymmdd-hhnnss")
  Call oFileProps.Add("description","simulated data created " & sDate & "  1 grps with 3 chns with " & iSamples & " samples")
  'Call oFileProps.Add("title","AS_AnalyzeDataFile_ComparativeEval")
  Call oFileProps.Add("author", "Mark Kiehl")
  Call oFileProps.Add("sourceoriginalname", CurrentScriptName)
  Call oFileProps.Add("datetime",dtDate)
  Call oGrpProps.Add("description","explicit channels")
  Call oGrpProps.Add("sourceoriginalname","")
  Call oChnProps.Add("description","numeric channel data")
  Call dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal(iSamples, oFileProps, oGrpProps, oChnProps)
  Data.Root.Name = "numeric_" & sDate & "_2x3x" & Str(iSamples)
  Call oFileProps.RemoveAll(): Set oFileProps = Nothing
  Call oGrpProps.RemoveAll(): Set oGrpProps = Nothing
  Call oChnProps.RemoveAll(): Set oChnProps = Nothing
  Call UIAutoRefreshSet(bUIAutoRefreshSet)
  bCreateSampleNumericData = True
End Function  'bCreateSampleNumericData()

Function dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal(ByVal iSamples, ByVal oFileProps, ByVal oGrpProps, ByVal oChnProps)
  'Creates simulated data in the Data Portal and returns the amount of
  'time in seconds it took to do it.
  Const iGrps = 2
  Call MsgLineDisp("Creating " & Str(iGrps) & " grps with 3 chns with " & iSamples & " samples")
  dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal = 0.0
  Call Data.Root.Clear()
  Const dpTimer = 25
  Call StopWatchReset(dpTimer)
  Dim g, oGrp, oChnT, oChn, s, c, sPropName, vPropVal, dConst
  Dim oElementList, sChn, dValStart, dValEnd, dValStep, iRows, iRowFirst
  Dim bChnCommentOver
  bChnCommentOver = ChnCommentOver
  ChnCommentOver = False
  Call LoopInit()
  For g = 1 to iGrps
    Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("myGroup" & str(g))
    Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(g)
    For Each sPropName in oGrpProps
      vPropVal = oGrpProps(sPropName)
      Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
        Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
        Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
        Case vbDate
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
        Case vbString
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
        Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
          Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
      End Select
    Next  'oGrpProps
    'Create channels
    'Create a new time channels with iSamples beginning 
    'from a value of 0.0 and ending with a value of 500.0
    sChn = "[" & oGrp.Properties("index").Value & "]/Time"
    dValStart = 0.0
    dValEnd = iSamples / g
    Set oElementList = ChnLinGen(sChn,dValStart,dValEnd,iSamples,"s")
    Set oChnT = oGrp.Channels(oElementList.Item(1).Name)
    If g = 1 Then
      For c = 1 To 2
      Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("myChn" & Str(c),DataTypeChnFloat64)
        For Each sPropName in oChnProps
          vPropVal = oChnProps(sPropName)
          Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
            Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
            Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
            Case vbDate
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
            Case vbString
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
            Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
              Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
          End Select
        Next  'oChnProps
        Select Case c
          Case 1
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "bar"
            oChn.Name = "Pressure"
          Case 2
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "K"
            oChn.Name = "Temperature"
        End Select
      Next  'c
    Else  'g=2
      For c = 3 To 6
      Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("myChn" & Str(c),DataTypeChnFloat64)
        For Each sPropName in oChnProps
          vPropVal = oChnProps(sPropName)
          Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
            Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
            Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
            Case vbDate
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
            Case vbString
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
            Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
              Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
          End Select
        Next  'oChnProps
        Select Case c
          Case 3
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "1/min"
            oChn.Name = "Speed"
            dConst = 1500
          Case 4
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "m/s^2"
            oChn.Name = "Acceleration"
            dConst = 1.5
          Case 5
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "ft-lb"
            oChn.Name = "Torque"
            dConst = 200
          Case 6
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "kW"
            oChn.Name = "Power"
            dConst = 20
        End Select
      Next  'c
    End If  'g
    Set oGrp = Nothing: Set oChnT = Nothing: Set oChn = Nothing
    Call LoopInc(Fix(g/iGrps*100))
  Next  'g

  'Create an additional channel group with the base data.
  Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("TempGroup")
  'Create the time channel
  sChn = "[" & oGrp.Properties("index").Value & "]/Time"
  dValStart = 0.0
  dValEnd = 10
  Call ChnLinGen(sChn,dValStart,dValEnd,iSamples,"s")
  'Create the base data channel
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Data",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  dValStart = 1.0
  dValEnd = 1000
  sChn = oChn.GetReference(eRefTypeIndexIndex)
  Call ChnGeoGen(sChn,dValStart,dValEnd,iSamples)
  Call ChnNormalize(oChn,sChn)
  'Create a noise channel
  Dim sFormula, arrSymbols, arrValues
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Noise",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  ReDim arrSymbols(1): ReDim arrValues(1)
  sFormula = "Noise = Sin(Time)"
  arrSymbols(0) = "Time"
  arrSymbols(1) = "Noise"
  Set arrValues(0) = oGrp.Channels("Time")
  Set arrValues(1) = oGrp.Channels("Noise")
  Call Calculate(sFormula, arrSymbols, arrValues)    
  'Combine the Data and Noise channels
  Call ChnSub(oGrp.Channels("Data"),oGrp.Channels("Noise"),sChn)
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels("Data")
  Call Randomize()
  For s = 1 to iSamples
    oChn.Values(s) = oChn.Values(s) * Random(1)
  'Offset the channel values so that they are all  >= 0
  Call ChnCharacter(oChn)
  Call ChnOffset(oChn, oChn, oChn.Size, "min. value offset")

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Pressure")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  '0.9653 to 28.0 bar
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,20,MaxV(0.9653-oChnT.Minimum,0.9653))

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Temperature")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  '273 to 373 K
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,10,273)
  Call ChnReciprocal(oChnT, oChnT)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,100000,0)
  Call ChnOffset(oChnT, oChnT, 273-oChnT.Minimum, "free offset")
  oChnT.UnitSymbol = "K"

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Speed")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  '300 to 2500 rpm
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,1000,MaxV(300-oChn.Minimum,300))

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Torque")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,250,25)
  'Modify the Data channel
  Call ChnLinScale(oChn, oChn, 50, 5)
  Call ChnReciprocal(oChn, oChn)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChn, oChn, 1000, 0)

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Acceleration")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,1,0)
  'Modify the Noise channel
  Set oChn = Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels("Noise")
  Call ChnReciprocal(oChn, oChn)
  Call ChnOffset(oChn, oChn, oChn.Size, "min. value offset")

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Power")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  Set oChn = Nothing: Set oChnT = Nothing: Set oGrp = Nothing
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels.Remove("Noise")
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels.Remove("Data")
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels.Remove("Time")
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Remove("TempGroup")
  Call ChnCharacterAll()
  ChnCommentOver = bChnCommentOver
  Call LoopDeInit()
  'Add the properties
  Call MsgLineDisp("Adding file properties..")
  For Each sPropName in oFileProps
    vPropVal = oFileProps(sPropName)
    Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
      Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
      Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
      Case vbDate
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
      Case vbString
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
      Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
        Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
    End Select
  Call StopWatchPause(dpTimer)
  dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal = Round(StopWatch(dpTimer),1)
  Call MsgLineDisp(vbTab)
End Function  'dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal()


Function b2dPlotToViewByElementList(ByVal oElementList)
  'Creates a 2D plot in View of the data channels in oElementList.
  'oElementList must contain at least 2 channels, and one of them 
  'must be a Time, DateTime, or DataType = DataTypeChnDate.
  'Returns TRUE if successful. 
  b2dPlotToViewByElementList = False
  If Not IsObject(oElementList) Then Exit Function
  If oElementList.Count = 0 Then Exit Function
  Dim oElement, oChnX, iChns
  'Find the x-axis channel within oElementList
  For Each oElement in oElementList
    If oElement.IsKindOf(eDataChannel) Then
      iChns = iChns + 1
      If (Not IsObject(oChnX)) AND (oElement.Name = "Time" or oElement.Name = "DateTime" or oElement.DataType = DataTypeChnDate ) Then 
        Set oChnX = oElement
       End If 'oElement.Name
    End If 'oElement.IsKindOf() 
  Next 'oElement
  If Not IsObject(oChnX) Then
    Call LogFileWrite("ERROR - time / datetime channel not found in oElementList.  Fn b2dPlotToViewByElementList()")
    Exit Function
  End If
  If iChns < 2 Then
    Call LogFileWrite("ERROR - insufficient channels passed in oElementList to Fn b2dPlotToViewByElementList()")
    Exit Function
  End If
  'Delete any sheets that exist
  Call View.Sheets.RemoveAll()
  Call View.NewLayout()
  'Add a single area with a 2D curve
  Dim oArea, oChnDateTime, oChn
  Set oArea = View.ActiveSheet.ActiveArea
  oArea.DisplayObjType = "CurveChart2D"   
  'Add channels to the curve
  For Each oElement in oElementList
    If oElement.IsKindOf(eDataChannel) Then
      If Not oElement.Name = oChnX.Name Then
        Call oArea.DisplayObj.Curves.Add(oChnX.GetReference(eRefTypeIndexIndex),oElement.GetReference(eRefTypeIndexIndex))
      End If
    End If 'oElement.IsKindOf() 
  Next 'oElement
  oArea.DisplayObj.YScaling = "n systems [phys.]"
  View.ActiveSheet.ActiveArea.DisplayObj.XScalingMode = "RangeFull"
  Set oChnX = Nothing: Set oChn = Nothing: Set oArea = Nothing
  b2dPlotToViewByElementList = True
End Function  'b2dPlotToViewByElementList()



Calling Non-Modal Dialog With SUDDlgCreateEx()

DIAdem commands: SUDDlgCreateEx(), SudNonModalDlgLst()

Download the dialog file:   non-modal_dialog_CallScriptControlled.SUD

'-- SUD script file non-modal_dialog_SUDDlgCreateEx.vbs
'-- Author:   Mechatronic Solutions LLC
'             Mark W Kiehl
' Demonstrates the use of SUDDlgCreateEx() to call a non-modal dialog.
' This script creates data in the Data Portal, then calls a non-modal dialog
' and populates one combo box with the channel group names.
' The script that calls the dialog then waits for the user to select a channel
' from the second combo box.
' When the user selects a channel group, an event within the dialog will
' enable the combobox for channels and populate it with the channel names
' for the channel groups selected by the user.
' Once a channel is selected by the user, the script that called the dialog
' will detect this and report what channel was selected. 
' Note that the script that calls this non-modal dialog with SUDDlgCreate() does 
' NOT contain transfer parameters that you can access in the dialog script using 
' the methods GetArgument and SetArgument.
Option Explicit  
Call LogFileDel()
Dim oDlg, sFilePathDlg, oDlgControl, oGrp, oChn
sFilePathDlg = CurrentScriptPath & "non-modal_dialog_CallScriptControlled.SUD"
Const sDlgName = "DlgNonModal"
Call Data.Root.Clear()
Call bCreateSampleNumericData()
If Not SudNonModalDlgLst(sDlgName) Is Nothing Then
  Call LogFileWrite("'" & sDlgName & "' is currently running")
  Set oDlg = SUDNonModalDlgLst(sDlgName)
  Call oDlg.Cancel()
End If
Set oDlg = SUDDlgCreateEx(sDlgName,sFilePathDlg,sDlgName & "_alias",True)
'You must call the .Show() method in order to see the dialog.
Call oDlg.Show()
'You reference a control item by it's index or name (name = "DialogCode" in the Dialog Editor)
Set oDlgControl = oDlg.Controls.Item("cbo_ChnGrps")
'Add all of the channel group names to the combobox named "cbo_ChnGrps"
Call oDlgControl.Items.RemoveAll()
For Each oGrp In Data.Root.ChannelGroups()
  Call oDlgControl.Items.Add(oGrp.Name, oDlgControl.Items.Count)
'Wait for the user to make a channel selection in the 2nd combo box..
Set oDlgControl = oDlg.Controls.Item("cbo_Chns")
  Call pause(1)
Loop Until oDlgControl.Value >= 0 AND Len(oDlgControl.Text) > 0
Call LogFileWrite("The channel selected in the non-modal dialog is '" & oDlgControl.Text & "'")
Set oChn = Nothing: Set oGrp = Nothing: Set oDlgControl = Nothing


'Call bCreateSampleNumericData()

Function bCreateSampleNumericData()
  bCreateSampleNumericData = False
  Const iSamples = 25
  Dim oFileProps, oGrpProps, oChnProps, sDate, dtDate, bUIAutoRefreshSet
  bUIAutoRefreshSet = UIAutoRefreshSet(False)
  Set oFileProps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set oGrpProps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set oChnProps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  dtDate = Now()
  sDate = str(dtDate,"#yyyymmdd-hhnnss")
  Call oFileProps.Add("description","simulated data created " & sDate & "  1 grps with 3 chns with " & iSamples & " samples")
  'Call oFileProps.Add("title","AS_AnalyzeDataFile_ComparativeEval")
  Call oFileProps.Add("author", "Mark Kiehl")
  Call oFileProps.Add("sourceoriginalname", CurrentScriptName)
  Call oFileProps.Add("datetime",dtDate)
  Call oGrpProps.Add("description","explicit channels")
  Call oGrpProps.Add("sourceoriginalname","")
  Call oChnProps.Add("description","numeric channel data")
  Call dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal(iSamples, oFileProps, oGrpProps, oChnProps)
  Data.Root.Name = "numeric_" & sDate & "_2x3x" & Str(iSamples)
  Call oFileProps.RemoveAll(): Set oFileProps = Nothing
  Call oGrpProps.RemoveAll(): Set oGrpProps = Nothing
  Call oChnProps.RemoveAll(): Set oChnProps = Nothing
  Call UIAutoRefreshSet(bUIAutoRefreshSet)
  bCreateSampleNumericData = True
End Function  'bCreateSampleNumericData()

Function dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal(ByVal iSamples, ByVal oFileProps, ByVal oGrpProps, ByVal oChnProps)
  'Creates simulated data in the Data Portal and returns the amount of
  'time in seconds it took to do it.
  Const iGrps = 2
  Call MsgLineDisp("Creating " & Str(iGrps) & " grps with 3 chns with " & iSamples & " samples")
  dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal = 0.0
  Call Data.Root.Clear()
  Const dpTimer = 25
  Call StopWatchReset(dpTimer)
  Dim g, oGrp, oChnT, oChn, s, c, sPropName, vPropVal, dConst
  Dim oElementList, sChn, dValStart, dValEnd, dValStep, iRows, iRowFirst
  Dim bChnCommentOver
  bChnCommentOver = ChnCommentOver
  ChnCommentOver = False
  Call LoopInit()
  For g = 1 to iGrps
    Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("myGroup" & str(g))
    Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(g)
    For Each sPropName in oGrpProps
      vPropVal = oGrpProps(sPropName)
      Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
        Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
        Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
        Case vbDate
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
        Case vbString
          Call oGrp.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
        Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
          Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
      End Select
    Next  'oGrpProps
    'Create channels
    'Create a new time channels with iSamples beginning 
    'from a value of 0.0 and ending with a value of 500.0
    sChn = "[" & oGrp.Properties("index").Value & "]/Time"
    dValStart = 0.0
    dValEnd = iSamples / g
    Set oElementList = ChnLinGen(sChn,dValStart,dValEnd,iSamples,"s")
    Set oChnT = oGrp.Channels(oElementList.Item(1).Name)
    If g = 1 Then
      For c = 1 To 2
      Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("myChn" & Str(c),DataTypeChnFloat64)
        For Each sPropName in oChnProps
          vPropVal = oChnProps(sPropName)
          Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
            Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
            Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
            Case vbDate
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
            Case vbString
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
            Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
              Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
          End Select
        Next  'oChnProps
        Select Case c
          Case 1
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "bar"
            oChn.Name = "Pressure"
          Case 2
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "K"
            oChn.Name = "Temperature"
        End Select
      Next  'c
    Else  'g=2
      For c = 3 To 6
      Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("myChn" & Str(c),DataTypeChnFloat64)
        For Each sPropName in oChnProps
          vPropVal = oChnProps(sPropName)
          Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
            Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
            Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
            Case vbDate
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
            Case vbString
              Call oChn.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
            Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
              Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
          End Select
        Next  'oChnProps
        Select Case c
          Case 3
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "1/min"
            oChn.Name = "Speed"
            dConst = 1500
          Case 4
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "m/s^2"
            oChn.Name = "Acceleration"
            dConst = 1.5
          Case 5
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "ft-lb"
            oChn.Name = "Torque"
            dConst = 200
          Case 6
            oChn.UnitSymbol = "kW"
            oChn.Name = "Power"
            dConst = 20
        End Select
      Next  'c
    End If  'g
    Set oGrp = Nothing: Set oChnT = Nothing: Set oChn = Nothing
    Call LoopInc(Fix(g/iGrps*100))
  Next  'g

  'Create an additional channel group with the base data.
  Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("TempGroup")
  'Create the time channel
  sChn = "[" & oGrp.Properties("index").Value & "]/Time"
  dValStart = 0.0
  dValEnd = 10
  Call ChnLinGen(sChn,dValStart,dValEnd,iSamples,"s")
  'Create the base data channel
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Data",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  dValStart = 1.0
  dValEnd = 1000
  sChn = oChn.GetReference(eRefTypeIndexIndex)
  Call ChnGeoGen(sChn,dValStart,dValEnd,iSamples)
  Call ChnNormalize(oChn,sChn)
  'Create a noise channel
  Dim sFormula, arrSymbols, arrValues
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Noise",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  ReDim arrSymbols(1): ReDim arrValues(1)
  sFormula = "Noise = Sin(Time)"
  arrSymbols(0) = "Time"
  arrSymbols(1) = "Noise"
  Set arrValues(0) = oGrp.Channels("Time")
  Set arrValues(1) = oGrp.Channels("Noise")
  Call Calculate(sFormula, arrSymbols, arrValues)    
  'Combine the Data and Noise channels
  Call ChnSub(oGrp.Channels("Data"),oGrp.Channels("Noise"),sChn)
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels("Data")
  Call Randomize()
  For s = 1 to iSamples
    oChn.Values(s) = oChn.Values(s) * Random(1)
  'Offset the channel values so that they are all  >= 0
  Call ChnCharacter(oChn)
  Call ChnOffset(oChn, oChn, oChn.Size, "min. value offset")

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Pressure")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  '0.9653 to 28.0 bar
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,20,MaxV(0.9653-oChnT.Minimum,0.9653))

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Temperature")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  '273 to 373 K
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,10,273)
  Call ChnReciprocal(oChnT, oChnT)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,100000,0)
  Call ChnOffset(oChnT, oChnT, 273-oChnT.Minimum, "free offset")
  oChnT.UnitSymbol = "K"

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Speed")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  '300 to 2500 rpm
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,1000,MaxV(300-oChn.Minimum,300))

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Torque")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,250,25)
  'Modify the Data channel
  Call ChnLinScale(oChn, oChn, 50, 5)
  Call ChnReciprocal(oChn, oChn)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChn, oChn, 1000, 0)

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Acceleration")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  Call ChnLinScale(oChnT,oChnT,1,0)
  'Modify the Noise channel
  Set oChn = Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels("Noise")
  Call ChnReciprocal(oChn, oChn)
  Call ChnOffset(oChn, oChn, oChn.Size, "min. value offset")

  Set oChnT = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("Power")
  Call DataBlAppend(oChn,1,oChn.Size,oChnT)
  Call ChnCharacter(oChnT)
  Set oChn = Nothing: Set oChnT = Nothing: Set oGrp = Nothing
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels.Remove("Noise")
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels.Remove("Data")
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups("TempGroup").Channels.Remove("Time")
  Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Remove("TempGroup")
  Call ChnCharacterAll()
  ChnCommentOver = bChnCommentOver
  Call LoopDeInit()
  'Add the properties
  Call MsgLineDisp("Adding file properties..")
  For Each sPropName in oFileProps
    vPropVal = oFileProps(sPropName)
    Select Case VarType(vPropVal)
      Case vbInteger, vbLong, vbByte
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeInt32) 
      Case vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency, vbDecimal
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeFloat64) 
      Case vbDate
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeDate) 
      Case vbString
        Call Data.Root.Properties.Add(sPropName, vPropVal, DataTypeString) 
      Case Else 'vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbError, vbVariant, vbByte, vbArray
        Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "ERROR - the VarType of '" & sPropName & "' is " & VarType(vPropVal) & vbTab & "'" & vPropVal & "'")
    End Select
  Call StopWatchPause(dpTimer)
  dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal = Round(StopWatch(dpTimer),1)
  Call MsgLineDisp(vbTab)
End Function  'dCreateSampleNumericChnDataInDataPortal()


Function b2dPlotToViewByElementList(ByVal oElementList)
  'Creates a 2D plot in View of the data channels in oElementList.
  'oElementList must contain at least 2 channels, and one of them 
  'must be a Time, DateTime, or DataType = DataTypeChnDate.
  'Returns TRUE if successful. 
  b2dPlotToViewByElementList = False
  If Not IsObject(oElementList) Then Exit Function
  If oElementList.Count = 0 Then Exit Function
  Dim oElement, oChnX, iChns
  'Find the x-axis channel within oElementList
  For Each oElement in oElementList
    If oElement.IsKindOf(eDataChannel) Then
      iChns = iChns + 1
      If (Not IsObject(oChnX)) AND (oElement.Name = "Time" or oElement.Name = "DateTime" or oElement.DataType = DataTypeChnDate ) Then 
        Set oChnX = oElement
       End If 'oElement.Name
    End If 'oElement.IsKindOf() 
  Next 'oElement
  If Not IsObject(oChnX) Then
    Call LogFileWrite("ERROR - time / datetime channel not found in oElementList.  Fn b2dPlotToViewByElementList()")
    Exit Function
  End If
  If iChns < 2 Then
    Call LogFileWrite("ERROR - insufficient channels passed in oElementList to Fn b2dPlotToViewByElementList()")
    Exit Function
  End If
  'Delete any sheets that exist
  Call View.Sheets.RemoveAll()
  Call View.NewLayout()
  'Add a single area with a 2D curve
  Dim oArea, oChnDateTime, oChn
  Set oArea = View.ActiveSheet.ActiveArea
  oArea.DisplayObjType = "CurveChart2D"   
  'Add channels to the curve
  For Each oElement in oElementList
    If oElement.IsKindOf(eDataChannel) Then
      If Not oElement.Name = oChnX.Name Then
        Call oArea.DisplayObj.Curves.Add(oChnX.GetReference(eRefTypeIndexIndex),oElement.GetReference(eRefTypeIndexIndex))
      End If
    End If 'oElement.IsKindOf() 
  Next 'oElement
  oArea.DisplayObj.YScaling = "n systems [phys.]"
  View.ActiveSheet.ActiveArea.DisplayObj.XScalingMode = "RangeFull"
  Set oChnX = Nothing: Set oChn = Nothing: Set oArea = Nothing
  b2dPlotToViewByElementList = True
End Function  'b2dPlotToViewByElementList()



Resolve Channel Aliases

Sometimes you have a script you need to run against multiple data files, and some of the channel groups / channel names change between the files.   This script and dialog can be used as a template for resolving channel aliases.   If the expected channels are not found a dialog is presented to the user requesting the channel group / channel name substitutions to be identified by dragging and dropping them from the Data Portal to an XTable in the dialog.

Download the dialog file:   chn_alias_XTable.sud


The script below creates sample data in the Data Portal and then loads the custom dialog to get the alias channels from the user.   The dialog file 'chn_alias_XTable.sud' should be saved in the same folder as this script.  

'-- SUD script file chn_alias_XTable.vbs
'-- Author:   Mark W Kiehl
'-- Comment:  Resolve channel aliases by acquiring substitutions interactively from the user.
' An initial set of channels is established.
' The Data Portal is updated to simulate the situation where some of the
' expected channels now exist under a different channel name and/or a 
' channel group.  
' A dialog is presented to the user, allowing the channel alias to be identified
' and substituted.  
' This script is a template and example. 
'Some sections of the code have been commented out because they only provide 
'additional or diagnostic information.  
' Highlight the commented rows below and use 'Shift-Ctrl-D' to uncomment the lines. 
' Highlight the rows below again and use 'Ctrl-D' to re-comment the lines. 
Option Explicit  
Call LogFileDel()
Dim oDlg, sFilePathDlg, oGrp, oChn, sGrp, sChn, sGrpChn, bChnsMissing
Dim oChnsDic: Set oChnsDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

'Create sample original channels in the Data Portal
Call bCreateSampleNumericDataOriginal()
'Add the expected channel group / name information to oChnsDic.
'Note that these could also be acquired and stored in an external
'file, or they could be hard coded into the script. 
Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups("GroupA")
For Each oChn In oGrp.Channels()
  Call oChnsDic.Add(oChn.GetReference(eRefTypeNameName), "")
  'oChn.GetReference(eRefTypeNameName) = "channel grouup name/channel name"
Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups("GroupB")
For Each oChn In oGrp.Channels()
  Call oChnsDic.Add(oChn.GetReference(eRefTypeNameName), "")
'Call LogFileWrite("Expected channels:")
'For Each sGrpChn In oChnsDic
'  Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & sGrpChn)

'Create new sample channels in the Data Portal with a few channel aliases
Call bCreateSampleNumericDataNew()

'Determine what channels in oChnsDic no longer exist in the Data Portal and assign the
'value in oChnsDic = "UNKNOWN" to indicate they are missing, otherwise assign the
'oChn.GetReference(eRefTypeNameName) {group name / channel name} to the value.
bChnsMissing = False
For Each sGrpChn In oChnsDic
  ''Method #1 try to find the channel using Data.GetChannel()
  'On Error Resume Next
  'Set oChn = Data.GetChannel(sGrpChn)
  'If Err.number <> 0 Then
  '  Call LogFileWrite(sGrpChn & vbTab & "Err " & Err.number & vbTab & Err.Description)
  '  oChnsDic(sGrpChn) = "UNKNOWN"
  '  oChnsDic(sGrpChn) = oChn.GetReference(eRefTypeNameName)
  'End If
  'On Error Goto 0
  ''Method #2 split out the group and channel names, and then check if they exist
  sChn = sStrSplitRight(sGrpChn,"/")
  sGrp = sStrSplitLeft(sGrpChn,"/")
  If Not Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Exists(sGrp) Then
      oChnsDic(sGrpChn) = "UNKNOWN"
      bChnsMissing = True
    Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(sGrp)
    If Not oGrp.Channels.Exists(sChn) Then
      oChnsDic(sGrpChn) = "UNKNOWN"
      bChnsMissing = True
      Set oChn = oGrp.Channels(sChn)
      oChnsDic(sGrpChn) = oChn.GetReference(eRefTypeNameName)
    End If
    Set oGrp = Nothing: Set oChn = Nothing
  End If
'Call LogFileWrite("oChnsDic:")
'For Each sGrpChn In oChnsDic
'  Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & sGrpChn & vbTab & oChnsDic(sGrpChn))

If bChnsMissing Then
  'Call the dialog that will ask the user to provide the mapping between the 
  'expected channels and the alias channels where required.
  sFilePathDlg = CurrentScriptPath & "chn_alias_XTable.sud"
  Const sDlgName = "ChnAliasXTable"
  If SUDDlgShow(sDlgName, sFilePathDlg, oChnsDic) = "IDOk" Then
    Call LogFileWrite("arrChnAliases returned from dialog '" & sDlgName & "':")
    For Each sGrpChn In oChnsDic
      Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & sGrpChn & " => " & oChnsDic(sGrpChn))
    'The dictionary object oChnsDic has the original channel group /channel names
    'as the Key, and the alias channel group / channel names as the Value. 
    Call LogFileWrite(vbTab & "The user clicked the 'Cancel' dialog button")
  End If
End If  'bChnsMissing

' Helper functions

Function bStrIsNothing(ByVal sHaystack)
    'check if there is anything in a string (to avoid testing for
    'isnull, isempty, and zero-length strings)
    'bStrIsNothing("   This is   my string   ") returns False
    If sHaystack & "" = "" Then
        bStrIsNothing = True
        bStrIsNothing = False
    End If
End Function  'bStrIsNothing()

Function sStrSplitRight(ByVal sHaystack, ByVal sNeedle)
    'return right part of sHaystack delimited by the first occurrence of sNeedle (searching from the left)
    'if sNeedle is empty or not found, sHaystack is returned
    'if sHaystack ends with sNeedle (or is equal to sNeedle), a zero-length string is returned
    'sStrSplitRight("1122a1122","11") returns "22a1122"
    Dim i
    If bStrIsNothing(sNeedle) Then
        sStrSplitRight = sHaystack
        i = InStr(1, sHaystack, sNeedle, vbTextCompare)
        If i = 0 Then
            sStrSplitRight = sHaystack
            sStrSplitRight = Mid(sHaystack, i + Len(sNeedle))
        End If
    End If
End Function  'sStrSplitRight()

Function sStrSplitLeft(ByVal sHaystack, ByVal sNeedle)
    'return left part of sHaystack delimited by the first occurrence of sNeedle
    'if sNeedle is empty or not found, sHaystack is returned
    'if sHaystack starts with sNeedle (or is equal to sNeedle), a zero-length string is returned
    'sStrSplitLeft("   This is   my string   ","s is") returns "   Thi"
    Dim i
    If bStrIsNothing(sNeedle) Then
        sStrSplitLeft = sHaystack
        i = InStr(1, sHaystack, sNeedle, vbTextCompare)
        If i = 0 Then
            sStrSplitLeft = sHaystack
            sStrSplitLeft = Left(sHaystack, i - 1)
        End If
    End If
End Function  'sStrSplitLeft()

Function bCreateSampleNumericDataOriginal()
  bCreateSampleNumericDataOriginal = False
  Dim bUIAutoRefreshSet, oGrp, oChn
  bUIAutoRefreshSet = UIAutoRefreshSet(False)
  Call Data.Root.Clear()
  Data.Root.Name = "numeric_" & Str(Now(),"#yyyymmdd")
  Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("GroupA")
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Time",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "s"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Pressure",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "bar"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Temperature",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "K"
  Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("GroupB")
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Time",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "s"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Speed",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "1/min"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Acceleration",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "m/s^2"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Torque",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "ft-lb"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Power",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "kW"
  Call UIAutoRefreshSet(bUIAutoRefreshSet)
  Call Portal.Refresh()
  bCreateSampleNumericDataOriginal = True
End Function  'bCreateSampleNumericDataOriginal()

Function bCreateSampleNumericDataNew()
  bCreateSampleNumericDataNew = False
  Dim bUIAutoRefreshSet, oGrp, oChn
  bUIAutoRefreshSet = UIAutoRefreshSet(False)
  Call Data.Root.Clear()
  Data.Root.Name = "numeric_" & Str(Now(),"#yyyymmdd")
  Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("GroupA")
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Time",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "s"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Pressure",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "bar"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Temp",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "K"
  Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("NewGrpC")
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Time",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "s"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Spd",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "1/min"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Acceleration",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "m/s^2"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Torque",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "ft-lb"
  Set oChn = oGrp.Channels.Add("Pwr",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  oChn.UnitSymbol = "kW"
  Call UIAutoRefreshSet(bUIAutoRefreshSet)
  Call Portal.Refresh()
  bCreateSampleNumericDataNew = True
End Function  'bCreateSampleNumericDataNew()


Modal Vs. Non-Modal Dialog

A script can run a dialog as modal or non-modal.   A modal dialog will cause the script execution to pause until the dialog is closed.   A non-modal dialog will allow the script execution to continue and likely finish while the non-modal dialog continues to run.  

The construction of the dialog for the most part can be the same when used as a modal or non-modal dialog, although some restrictions do exist.   The difference in modal vs non-modal is in the function used to call / run the dialog.   The command SUDDlgCreate() will run a non-modal dialog, and the command SudDlgShow() will run a modal dialog.  

If you need to pass data to a dialog, or return data from a dialog, then unless you need the special capabilities of a non-modal dialog, the best choice is to run it as a modal dialog.   It is possible to pass data in the form of an array for example to a non-modal dialog, but you cannot use the dialog .GetArgument() and .SetArgument() methods available to a modal dialog.  

Non-Modal Dialogs & ScriptInclude() vs ScriptStart()

The way you execute a script that calls a non-modal dialog can have a dramatic impact on the performance of the non-modal dialog.   If you run a script normally from the script panel, or with ScriptInclude(), then DIAdem will check that every displayed non-modal dialog control is correct for every command executed in the non-modal dialog.   This overhead of checking the displayed controls after every dialog command will cause the responsiveness of the dialog to be dramatically slower than if you either 1) run the script that executes the dialog with the ScriptStart() command, or 2) if you run the dialog modally.   (ref NI svc req #1200351)   In summary, for the best performance, use ScriptStart() to run a non-modal dialog code.  

One approach is to put the dialog code that executes high performance tasks into an external script and then call it from the non-modal dialog with the ScriptStart() command.   When the ScriptStart() is called, a new VBScript engine instance is launched to execute that script, and the DIAdem user interface is locked until that script is complete.   In this way, the update of the dialog controls, and the heavy message traffic that is a part of the update of the controls can be avoided.  


Demonstration Files

Download the .ZIP file and extract the .zip file contents to a new folder.  


Modal Dialog Test

From DIAdem's script panel, load the script named 'modal_dialog_test.VBS' and run it.   Note the time it reports that it takes to run the dialog named 'dlg_modal_vs_non-modal.SUD'.  


Non-Modal Dialog Test #1

From DIAdem's script panel, load the script named 'non-modal_dialog_test (all code within dialog).VBS' and run it.   Note the time it reports that it takes to run the dialog named 'dlg_modal_vs_non-modal.SUD'.   It should take about 10x longer to run this dialog as non-modal versus modal.   This is because when you click the dialog button, it executes a series of channel data manipulation and analysis commands.   When the dialog is run as non-modal, every command execution is followed by an update to the dialog's controls, and this time adds up, slowing down the overall execution.   In order to run the dialog as non-modal and achieve the same performance, you need to take the code for the dialog button and run it in an external script called by ScriptStart().   See the next example.  


Non-Modal Dialog Test #2

This combination of scripts and dialog is configured to run the dialog as non-modal, but achieve the same channel data manipulation performance as the modal dialog did.   From DIAdem's script panel, load the script named 'non-modal_dialog_test (dlg btn code external).VBS'.   The time to execute this combination of scripts and dialog (as non-modal dialog) will be the same as the script named 'modal_dialog_test.VBS'.   The code for the dialog button that performs the channel data manipulation and analysis is contained within an external script 'dlg_modal_vs_non-modal_btnCodeInScript.VBS'.   The dialog 'dlg_modal_vs_non-modal_btnCodeInScript.SUD' calls the external script 'dlg_modal_vs_non-modal_btnCodeInScript.VBS' using the ScriptStart() command.   The ScriptStart() command initiates a new instance of the script engine, and the DIAdem user interface is locked until that script is complete.   This has the effect of preventing DIAdem from updating every dialog control after each channel data manipulation and analysis command is executed, improving overall script execution performance.  

A special thanks to Brad Turpin at National Instruments for acquiring and sharing this solution with me.



Do you need help with your project?   Send me an email requesting a free phone / web share consultation.  


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